Ukraine aid is dropped from government funding bill. That raises questions about future US support to World – 478 points –
Ukraine aid is dropped from government funding bill. That raises questions about future US support

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Traitor to whom?

They'd be traitors by their own standards. They would complain and run constant news cycles on Obama cozying up to the Russias and how weak he looks when he interacted with Putin.

Fascists don't have standards, only whatever will get them power in the moment.

OK but their standards aren't the law. I'm asking specficially what would make any of their actions traitorous in regards to blocking money going to Ukraine.

They are hypocrites that don't care about what is law.

I think what was meant was not them being declared traitors according to law but being declared traitors publicly to move the public opinion.

So not actually treason

Good effort, but being a tratior and being treasonous are not synonymous.

You can be a traitor without committing treason.

Is it not traitorous to support a traitor?

What kind of ciclical mind games are you people playing here?