Men Overran a Job Fair for Women in Tech to – 365 points –

The Grace Hopper Celebration is meant to unite women in tech. This year droves of men came looking for jobs.


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Federal anti-discrimination laws disallow this. It has nothing to do with the "definition of women".

which law prevents a private female only conference from happening? As far as I know, there are no such laws.

Read The Fucking Article, that's the exact reason they allowed men at the conference in question: federal nondiscrimination laws

I'm saying I don't buy that reason. There are no laws (afaik) that prevent exactly what I described. Federal discrimination laws typically refer to employment or public places, not private events.

This is an employment related event. Anti discrimination laws apply to applicants.

If it was just a networking event, no problem, ban men

I don't believe there are any laws that make that illegal. There are plenty of black only recruiting events, there was one at my college. If you can find me a law that says this is illegal I will bite my tongue, but from what I can tell it applies to employers, not anything close to recruiting events.

I swear to fucking christ

Are you a lawyer? Because the legal team of this event made this decision

I'm not citing case law to you just because you think you know better than a team of actual lawyers. Jesus.

chill... just discussing how i feel about a topic on a discussion forum. not that serious, you're under no obligation to reply.

This statement didn't come from lawyers btw. I suggest you look into non discrimination laws and youll see why i feel the way i do.

good lord, relax. he's obviously saying he thinks they should be permitted to have women only events.

Sure. I agree. But they can't have women only hiring fairs. It's the law. They could be sued.

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