DIY tinkerer invents MacBook tool that breaks Apple’s repair locks

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 450 points –
DIY Tinkerer Invents MacBook Tool That Breaks Apple’s Repair Locks

DIY tinkerer invents MacBook tool that breaks Apple’s repair locks::“To whoever it is at Apple who decided to not make this available to technicians, ‘Fuck you, we win.’”


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I know Apple's gonna Apple, but at some point you'd think someone over there would think this is all getting a bit silly…

I'm sure all the normal workers think a lot of things they do is absurd and borderline criminal but money is money so they don't care.

Hol up. We're not talking about murder, we're talking about inconveniencing consumers. Engineers are not the wealthy, they are the middle class. They live in this capitalist hellscape, too. Principled stands are great, but if your proposed solution is that people should put their ability to get healthcare, food, and shelter on the line to not inconvenience consumers because legislation and regulation are too hard.... That seems a bit much. Work on fixing the system rather than blaming the cogs.

? I'm not blaming the workers

I'm saying I feel all the workers think the companies are doing shady wrong things but do it anyways because it's a paycheck even though they themselves are technically screwing themselves over as the consumers

borderline criminal but money is money

Like any mafia's motto

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I'd wager 80% of the cost of every apple device is nothing but covering the costs of research and development for fucking customers in the ass. they've put DRM on hall effect sensors, for fucks sake. All they do is detect the lid being closed, and you cant change them between computers.

People know what they are getting into when they but this products. Still, they make the surprised Pikachu face when they charge them 1000 for a simple repair.

I understand this is a matter of legislation, but we also need to hold consumers responsible for their stupidity. This isn't a secret, this isn't hidden, everyone knows that Apple Apples.

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