Helping others vs. helping yourself to ADHD – 1020 points –

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Sometimes it helps to think of yourself as a friend you are helping out.

Right, but my problem is that I hate myself

Try doing it out of spite.

"That lump of shit in my cranium thinks I can't do this task, well, I'll show you, you glob of expired tapioca pudding!"

I have heard that self-talk actually helps you at doing tasks but I never managed to learn it so I can't speak from experience.

The Kimya Dawson song "The Competition" is a great anthem for this.

I just wanted to prove wrong the voices in my head... the ones that told me that I would never win
When I delivered newspapers they said I was to slow
When I was a barista they said I made lousy foam
When I worked in retail they said I was a slob
Much too dumb for school and much too lazy for a job
So I rode my bike like lightning
I made cappuccinos that would make the angels sing
Took two showers a day and I dressed up like a princess
Shook my fist in my own face and said "I'll show you who's the best!"

for me this is just eventually causing burnout and i end up in a dark place instead.

A cogent warning. This is a great way to pump yourself up, but you can't be always on. You have to give yourself time without motivation to recover. I've definitely overdone it and ended up in a days-long depressive funk.