More than one-third of millennials believe they won’t get a dime of Social Security when they retire, so they’re taking matters into their own hands

RealWarrenBuffett@lemm.eebanned from community to World – 650 points –

Of all generational cohorts, older millennials are most likely to generate enough income to retire comfortably, according to the latest Vanguard Retirement Readiness report.

Specifically, millennials aged 37-41 have the greatest chance of landing a comfortable retirement.


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What's carousel?

From the movie Logan's Run. It's set in the post-Apocalyptic Future and was a way to control the Population. A crystal implanted in your hand would start blinking when you become 30. You then enter the Carousel and try to win your "Renewal", an extension on your life. If you tried to run away you become a "Runner" and they have a special force track you down and kill you. It's a good book and movie.

Thanks. It's been a quarter century since I've seen the movie so I guess I forgot the carousel reference.

I think I'll read the book if I go back to it. I'm looking for a book right now. Maybe I'll just read Logan's run. Thanks!

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Logan's Run

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