US High School Student Loses Scholarship Over Social Media Twerking Video to Not The – 776 points –
US High School Student Loses Scholarship Over Social Media Twerking Video

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So what you can't shake your ass if you are smart? Thats bullshit. You should be able to strip AND get your masters degree. You should be able to take bikini pics and post your published research papers. What does it matter? Our species is marked by their brown noses.

You should be able to have an only fans and also arrest people!

But for real, you should. I know what you're referencing, and I see no reason why you can't have a side job in an unrelated field as a cop.

I'll say the same thing I said in that thread- I have more respect for her as an OnlyFans star than I do for her as a cop and if shooting innocent black people doesn't disqualify you from being a cop, then being on OnlyFans sure shouldn't.

Funny thing is a lot of sex workers near uni towns will actually be grad students working to pay tuition costs, and not like "doctorate in underwater basket weaving" like the right likes to try and demonize all degree paths but work degrees as, I've seen MBAs and Law School students doing this too.

And shit its not a bad idea. If you can pull a lot of money each night you might graduate debt free. Which, in modern times, frees you of the noose of school loan repayments. I would much rather strip than have to pay these back right now on my inflexible career salary. Now, the abuse that comes with it is not okay. But that goes along with the demonizing of these profesions.

I mean there are safe routes, Tryst looks to be run by a cooperative of tech and sex workers, or at least started as something like that with the intention of making sex work as safe as possible.

Not the person you responded to, but I'm going to look into this. Thanks