Israel declares siege of Gaza as Hamas threatens to start killing hostages

المنطقة عكف عفريت to – 353 points –
Israel declares siege of Gaza as Hamas threatens to start killing hostages


“I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel, everything is closed,” Gallant said. “We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly.”


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Thats a bit too much... food and water at minimum

Maybe don’t bite the hand that feeds you. It is and it continues to be a complete disaster.

Maybe don't be a hand that feeds. Palestinians didn't choose to live in the Gaza Strip. They were relegated to the Gaza Strip.

Sure, if you say so. Reality remains the same. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

No, just accept surrender and be dehumanized.

Or accept one of the countless proposals for peace.

Like which one? Give me one that you think sounded reasonable that the Palestinians did not accept.

Any of them. Pick one you don’t like and I’ll say that one.

I asked first

I answered too. Any one of them.

I don't think any of them are reasonable. Please show one where Israel was "moderate". You made the claim so please provide an example since it's not uncommon to hear that Israel's peace negotiations were shit and unfair. So please list a few that you think were reasonable anf the Palestinians missed out.

I don’t think I made any claim like that. I’m saying the Palestinian side has rejected all proposals - rightly or otherwise. Multiple wars have been lost, and they have no leverage other than terror. If they want peace, they have to choose it.

Honestly, I think the situation is so beyond toxic and arguing right or wrong is pointless. If the Palestinians had the power to enforce their will, they would. I don’t expect anything else from Israel.

Right, thanks, but I think most if not all peace negotiations were giving Palestinians impossible demands with Israel being the biggest winner. If it's anyone sabotaging the peace negotiations, it has always been Israel acting like an internet troll.

So yes, if Israel were to negotiate like a troll again, it won't work. So instead of shifting the focus on the Palestinians, it's Israel that needs a peace agreement that is reasonable and where they make concessions.

"Man those slaves don't understand how nice they have it. We provide them a hole to sleep in and food and water whenever we have some to spare or remember to give it to them...
God why can't they just be good and respect how much worse we could treat them?! Ugh they act like they are humans when you can see how feral they truly are, watch I'll beat this one and it doesn't even learn it's lesson, just gets angrier and more deranged.
Well guess we just have to show the wild animals that they aren't people and if they continue to bite the hand that feeds them we take away their kids to punish them for thinking they have any control.
Stay subservient cause I'm better and more human than you."

Hey. Go fuck yourself.

Do you need help building a bigger straw man?

Blaming the oppressed for being upset about being oppressed and downtrodden is a dick move. I figured maybe hyperbold would make you see that you are a jackass but nah you'd happily be holding the whip it seems.