So wholsum 🙏🙏🙏locked

u/ to Lemmy – 1258 points –

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They're intelligent and very instinctive birds from birth- that doesn't mean that they're vicious though. My chickens that I'm raising are all sweethearts. It's all a matter of their environment. If you overcrowd them in an indoor factory farm of course they're going to turn on each other, they're extremely stressed out. Chickens that are raised outdoors with lots of space and different kinds of food are a lot less likely to act up and turn on each other. You can even taste a noticeable difference in eggs from happy chickens.

Roosters on the other hand are usually fucking assholes.

I had about a dozen chickens in an outdoors coop, with plenty of space (about 32 cubic metres of tridimensional space) and often carried them around in a chicken tractor (birds of prey area where I live) for grazing and some individuals exihibited extreme behaviors.

Again, variations will occur from breed to breed and from individual to individual.

Some breeds are especially known for being tamer than others and more concerned with eggs and brood than others.

I'll partially agree on your statement that all roosters are assholes: we had one that enjoyed crowing when we were trying to talk anywhere in the bird's line of sight.

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