Life Cycle Emissions: EVs vs. Combustion Engine Vehicles to – 31 points –
Life Cycle Emissions: EVs vs. Combustion Engine Vehicles

We look at carbon emissions of electric, hybrid, and combustion engine vehicles through an analysis of their life cycle emissions.


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It's not enough. Cutting transport emissions by two thirds is simply not enough. We can change planning now to make it hurt slightly less when we have to get rid of cars or we can continue the current path and leave a load of people stranded when the rug gets pulled, which do you think sounds better?

So it’s what then? Genocide? A new trail of tears where people are forced to leave their rural homes and move into massive cities that don’t currently exist?

Yes, those are the two sole options, cars and genocide. Fucking idiot. Have you heard of a bus?

3.4 billion people live in rural areas around the world. Areas where public transportation is not viable. I’m asking what you would do with them once you take away their only travel option.

I assume they moved there after the first model t rolled off the production line. Over 80% of the world don't have a car, there is significant overlap with rural people in that.

As I have already said, improve infrastructure, improve public transport, get off your lazy arse and walk more then 5 seconds from your front door.

You don't say you're American but it's so obvious you are, being incapable of functioning without a car isn't normal it's kind of pathetic

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