Why BBC doesn't call Hamas militants 'terrorists' - John Simpson

Nighed@sffa.community to World News@lemmy.world – 626 points –
Why BBC doesn't call Hamas militants 'terrorists' - John Simpson

I guess not strictly news - but with all of the vitriol I have seen in discussions on the Israel situation, that have boiled down to arguments over wording, I feel that this take from the BBC is worthy of some discussion.

Mods, feel free to remove if this is not newsy enough.


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So, basically: people performed atrocities. Are they evil? Maybe they are, maybe they aren't, the BBC has no idea whether it is evil to perform atrocities. Right.

So basically, you can't read above a 2nd grade level.

BBC is saying they report the facts and let people make their own judgements. I know this might be hard for your biased mind to understand, but the word 'terrorist' has been thrown around so much it's practically meaningless. Heck, even when it should be applied (American terrorists shooting substations), it isn't. It's a political term at this point, nothing more.

You're trying to advocate for news outlets to tell us how to think instead of showing us information, which is shitty journalism for idiots.

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They are saying they do not use language that makes judgement, because that is not what they do. They are a neutral reporter of what is happening in the world (ie the news).

Everyone laments that “news” has been overrun by opinion journalism that tries to influence left or right. This is what “just news” looks like.

No, they will report on the attrocities committed. Is it important for you for the BBC to tell you whether the attrocities are evil or not?

I still can’t understand why naming Hamas a terrorist group goes against their “present only the facts” view. It’s the same group that raped and killed civilians just six days ago. They posted videos of their horrid raid on the internet and plan to stream hostage executions. These are facts, it is not subjective. Isn’t this the plain definition of terrorism? Why is BBC reluctant to brand a group that performs acts of terror as terrorists? This goes for how they treated IRA stories as well. I really can’t see how this adheres to good journalism principles, unlike many people here seem to be praising. It just seems to me a weird hill to die on.

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