Gaza's sole power plant shuts down due to shortage of fuel under Israeli blockade to World – 252 points –
Gaza's sole power station stops working as fuel runs out, after Israel orders 'complete' blockade | CNN

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It's good then that Egypt decided to help their muslim brothers out and send fuel, food and supplies over their border.

I was curious why Egypt and Hamas are enemies, apparently the military government of Egypt is constantly fighting religious factions, so helping a religious faction in the neighboring territory, or even letting them immigrate through refugees, would be destabilizing to the Egyptian government. Therefore it's not tenable

Also Palestinians have a history of carrying out terrorism in Egypt and all other neighbouring countries, so Egyptians do not want them.

While I can't and won't defend Egypt's role in the blockade, I'll say that Israel actively bombed the Rafah crossing, so even if Egypt was going to do that it's impossible now.

Is it sure that it was Israel and not Hamas that caused explosions at the crossing?

Egypt needs us guns more...

Arabs don't give a fuck about other Arabs

Look at how these clown states handled Syria crisis.