US has seen increase in domestic threats since Hamas attacks in Israel, FBI says to politics – 127 points –
US has seen increase in domestic threats since Hamas attacks in Israel, FBI says

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She’s probably being asked since most Palestinian Americans ive seen posting online aren’t even addressing whether or not they support Hamas

Whether you support Hamas is a more complicated question than whether you support Netenyahu, because while they're horrible they're also basically the only ones who are fighting against Israeli oppression (the West Bank government has been well and truly irrelevant since 2007), so "I support Hamas" and "I don't support Hamas" are both wrong answers. Personally I believe they're a necessary evil, though some of their actions (see: The excessive civilian casualties during last week's attack) deserve unequivocal condemnation.

I wouldn't say they're a necessary evil. More like they're the last ones left after all the alternatives got killed/bulldozed.

(They were also supported by Israel to weaken and delegitimize other Palestinian political factions)

It’s a complicated history. Originally they were more of a charitable organization and gradually morphed into their current state. But I understand why you left that out since it wasn’t convenient for this line of reasoning/victim blaming

Hol up, is your argument is that Hamas was a charitable organization in 2019 when they were funding them to delegitimize the Palestinian Authority with the express purpose of sabotaging the Palestinian state?

Because if so, that's a big fucking yikes bruh.

Obviously not. Read this. Especially the first part regarding the founders work in the 1960s.

Cool story, but what does that have to do with Israel funding them in 2010s?

I get the point you're trying to make, but I'm honestly not sure how it relates to mine. The fact they used to be a charitable organization is immaterial to Israel funding Hamas well after they became militant against Israel, and them doing it for the purpose of helping delegitimize the PA and sabotage Palestine as a state.

You’re shifting the discussion. This thread started with OP saying Hamas is a necessary evil 8 days after they slaughtered 1300+ civilians in cold blood and abducted 100+ more.

You're shifting the discussion

L. O. L. What happened to the cOmPlIcAtEd HiStOrY argument you were just making while failing to refute the point that Israel supported/funded Hamas?

This thread started with OP saying Hamas is a necessary evil 8 days after they slaughtered 1300+ civilians in cold blood and abducted 100+ more.

Is that what they said? Because you're leaving out the very important end of the comment that I was specifically replying to:

More like they’re the last ones left after all the alternatives got killed/bulldozed.

And you want to accuse me of shifting the discussion?! You need to get over yourself and realize that Israel's very recent funding is absolutely and directly material to the discussion at hand.

Oh ok so you support the intentional targeting and killing of innocents since you think Hamas is a necessary evil. Thanks for clearing that up

Bro I get you're trying to be obnoxious here but the word "necessary evil" includes "evil".

I’m the obnoxious one? Palestinians have plenty of other options - they could’ve voted for a party other than Hamas and instead that was the political ideology they felt would best represent them. Well when you elect terrorists and they commit heinous acts, that government can’t be allowed to continue to govern.

the pentagon differs.

What does that even mean?

it means that the usa does terrorism as a matter of policy, and the pentagon will never let you dismantle their government.

Ah ok so please tell me which middle eastern country is morally superior to the U.S.

I’ll wait.

baby, I'm an anarchist: smash capital and the state.