China says Israel has gone too far to World – 487 points –
China says Israel has gone too far

China’s foreign minister said Saturday that Israel has gone too far in responding to last week’s invasion by Hamas, China’s official news agency reported.

Speaking to Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Israel’s actions have extended beyond self-defense.

According to Xinhua, China has an interest in helping resolve the conflict and the underlying issues involving the Palestinian population.


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Iarael's response is to destroy the terrorist organizario that is responsible for all of this misery.

And how does that justify bombing evacuation convoys?

Israel didn't bomb evacuation convoys, from what I know at least, it's fake news.

I read the phrase "fake news" and my stomach immediately turns upside down.

Gaza civilians afraid to leave home after bombing of 'safe routes' - The Guardian

Here is proof, you can decide for yourself who did it

Arguments, not proof, also unstated ones - we only see drawn conclusions. Israel didn't confirm or accept blame, but I won't deny it could've been a mistake or a moment of confusion. But that would still not be "attacking evacuation convoys", but an isolated case, especially since, it seems according to the article that the designation of safe roads happened after the strike - though the timing is also not exact.

Israel does not want to harm innocent civilians. If you don't believe that, surely you agree that it has nothing to gain from that but bad influence.

They have lots of land to gain, they are already using this to attack people in the west bank

If Israel wanted land why did it agree to several 2 state solutions (which palastinians declined)? Why did it exit Gaza?

If they don't then why do they keep making new settlements in the west bank?

Why did america leave Vietnam or Afghanistan?
Because the resistance isn't worth it.

Same reason for Israel and gaza

There are videos, so which part is fake news?

They even took the time to analyze shadow placement for time and location verification

History has proven time and time again that this is the worst possible way to do that. Israel is either stupid or is acting intentionally with another purpose.

I think this is unprecedented. Everything about this actually, not just Israel deciding to end Hamas... So I don't know if history showed this before, I do know that previous attempts at pacifying Hamas - as opposed to ending it - did happen, and we definitely see now they achieved nothing...

Oh are they going to ban Likud?

Having seen what Hamas did, can you really deny they're terrorists, on the same level as ISIS? Filming themselves, kidnapping teens, rape and torture, beheading babies... Parading half naked bodies in the streets to spit and cheer at.

I want Netanyahu out of office. But he's not running around doing that, don't be ridiculous.