Russia's likely death toll in Ukraine revealed in government filing to – 61 points –
Russia's likely death toll in Ukraine revealed in government filing

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The article says 102,700, to save you all the ads ads and pop ups.

Thanks. It also mentions 239,000 as the total number of Russians killed across all conflicts. Presumably, this also includes veterans from the Chechen wars, Afghan wars, etc.

This puts into perspective how draining this war is for Russia.

It also means the nearly 300K reported by Ukraine is probably quite accurate, since that figure also includes mercenaries, convicts, conscripts from occupied territories and foreign fighters.

You may be confusing "casualties" with "fatalities".

Ukraine claims 300k casualties and 120k fatalities of Russian forces including Wagner and similar. Wagner claims 22k killed and 40k casualties. BBC Russia claims 88k killed and 243k casualtie of Russian military forces.

Fair enough, I did mix those up.

Reporting does seem to suggest Russia throwing a lot of convicts and conscripts from occupied territories into the meat grinder.

Following your figures, that would suggest those are only about 20K (difference between the 120K figure you mention and the 100K this leak implies)

That does seem a bit low though.

I didn't go into the full breakdown of other PMC groups and conscripts from occupied terrifies that comprise the difference. The conscripts number over 20k by themselves.

The prisoners were part of the Wagner number, possibly also part of conscripts.

I seriously doubt Russia's ability to count their dead and their capacity to tell the truth.

That's just deaths, not overall casualties, for people who haven't looked at the article.

Plus, does anyone trust that Russia will file all deaths as KIA as opposed to MIA?