An Alabama woman was imprisoned for ‘endangering’ her fetus. She gave birth in a jail shower to – 1395 points –
An Alabama woman was imprisoned for ‘endangering’ her fetus. She gave birth in a jail shower

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I support some common sense restrictions on abortion... I don't think anyone should be able to just up and demand the death of what is arguably a human life without a good reason.

This is not that, hell it couldn't be anymore obvious that the GOP doesn't care about life or the safety of the child, they just want as many rules on the books as possible to let them punish "Enemies of the party"

See, what you call "common sense" restrictions is just you sticking your nose in a woman's reproductive business.

Mind your own business. Leave a woman's health care up to a woman and her doctor. That's common sense.

I don't care what spin you put on it pal. No one should be allowed to kill a human being on a whim.

Now if there's something medically wrong with the fetus or the pregnancy is too taxing to be safely brought to term, that's different.

But the fact that you're being upvoted and I'm being downvoted shows that the wackos from Reddit have finally discovered Lemmy

No, it shows that most people are reasonable and understand that a woman who decides for whatever reason that she isn't ready for the commitment of parenthood, that is her business.

Wacko spin, eh? Thank you for so clearly identifying yourself as a reproductive authoritarian for all the women on Lemmy. If you think many women get an abortion "on a whim," then you have bought into the right-wing propaganda.

BTW, saying that the decision to abort should be made between a woman and her doctor means that medical ethics becomes the guiding framework, as opposed to criminal law. The state has no business criminalizing reproductive health.

Canada has the best abortion law, which is to say it has no law on abortion. And yet, Canadian doctors are somehow not killing babies at 36 weeks "on a whim." Hmmm, what could possibly explain that?

Gee-wiz, Cletus, maybe we don't have to criminalize abortion in order to get "common sense" behavior.

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Welcome to the consequences of your actions.

Actually I vote Democrat exclusively because I'm aware that the GOP are domestic terrorists acting on behalf of Russian Homophobes, nice try.

See while I think just letting ANYONE get an abortion is morally wrong and that the procedure should only be done in extreme cases, like rape, ectopic pregnancy, incest, major deformity, and the like, etc....

I also realize Republicans are the opposite extreme in that they want NO ABORTIONS AT ALL and aren't big on the concept of gender equality.

So I vote Democrat despite the Abortion issue, as I realize neither party has a satisfactory answer to it, but the Democrat Answer causes less problems.

It's called "Don't let Perfect be the enemy of Good"

Do you think people (in particular, yourself) should be forced by state violence to donate their organs to someone who needs it to survive? Especially when the forced donation process involves significant risk to your own life and health (though i do not think that aspect particularly important for my own reasoning, personally ^.^).

Because advocating for """reasonable""" restrictions on abortion is advocating for forcing someone to act as, essentially, a breeding pod, forced to donate their body and organs.

I think Organ Donation should be an Opt Out rather than an Opt In.

Also Organ Donation isn't done till after the person is dead, so your argument makes no sense.

Anyway, that aside, if you are in a position to save another person or prevent their death, and either don't or even just expedite what was already going to happen... You're a killer in my eyes.

How many kidneys have you donated?


So you haven't donated any, you're trying to evade the question.

Anyway, that aside, if you are in a position to save another person or prevent their death, and either don't or even just expedite what was already going to happen... You're a killer in my eyes

That means, by your own logic, you're a killer.

I told you, I donated three

Whatever, I really don't care about thr opinions of some hypocrite killer.

I'm not a hypocrite, I am merely not suicidal. If I were to donate my organs while I was still alive, I would be putting myself into unnecessary risk. Meaning I cannot blindly give them away, if I were to give them away at all, I would have to do so specifically because someone needed them and came to me for help with the understanding that if I refused they would die.

If you were paying attention, you would know that I do not advocate for a total ban on abortion, if bringing the human child to term is a non-negligible threat to the owner of the womb than an abortion isn't just fine, it should be encouraged by a medical profession.

However if that is not the case, then an abortion would child murder.

Kinda like how if someone dying of kidney failure asked for my kidneys and I said no, I'm basically telling them to drop dead.

My logic isn't inconsistent, you merely belong to a vocal minority of people who value self freedom over the lives of others. A vocal minority that was quite loud on reddit but seems to have migrated to Lemmy.

The kind of nut who would compare licenses to drive to licenses to use a toaster

Kinda like how if someone dying of kidney failure asked for my kidneys and I said no, I'm basically telling them to drop dead.

Currently, 17 people die each day on the organ transplant list. I'm representing one of them, and coming directly and specifically to you. Will you donate a kidney?

I am not a lawyer, however I have no reason to believe that this is a sincere request. Instead I believe this is an attempt to propose a Preposterous question without evidence, in order to use my answer against me. And for that reason I refuse to answer it.

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So you think a corpse should have more morphological autonomy than a living person?

People can also organ donate while alive lol ;p

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