Reddit communities with millions of followers plan to extend the blackout indefinitely to – 569 points –
Reddit communities with millions of followers plan to extend the blackout indefinitely

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Well, despite the difficulties translating to Federated platforms, I will certainly be working on alternative social platforms.

I no longer use Quora or Facebook...

I unsubscribed my 'YouTube' channels and added them as RSS feeds, so there's no need for me to be signed in there to consume content from creators I follow.

I hope that a month or two with the Fediverse will allow me to understand it better. I'm sure that many Fediverse users will also remain on Reddit and be able to advise folks on what to do.

If anyone on, for example, r/firefox announced activity over here, I'd follow them here. So whatever the 'bots' say, I know what's occurring in my corner.

Was Quora ever good?

Post closed, marked as duplicate.

Was that Quora as well? I thought that's only StackOverflow :c

But yes, I very much hope that the ethos of beehaw makes for "programming question" communities that are as useful as StackOverflow while not being so rude.

Whomever said there are no stupid questions, has never visited Quora.

RSS is one thing I have yet to dive into. There are videos that I want to watch and channels that I want to be subscribed to but I'm disliking the constant monitoring if activity online.

Cirfsnglh on travel with AirBNBs and the smart TVs with logins feels so weird knowing what others are up to, and I don't feel comfortable adding my recents to their lists.

Inoreader works very nicely for me. I have quite a few folders set up...

  • Digg Top Stories (43 unread) if I get bored - at least a dozen of those will keep me entertained.
  • Reddits (e.g. Dad Jokes)
  • Fediverse (

I added the Firefox extension, so if I visit Youtube - for example (open this in a PRIVATE window, not logged in) Insights from Ukraine and Russia then I can Easily add the RSS by searching in Inoreader.

Here's Daily Dose of Internet

The beauty being that you can quickly go through all this stuff - great keyboard accessibility (90% covered with Shift J-K to go to the next/previous feed, Shift-X to toggle expansion of the folder, J - K to go (and mark read) the next/previous item (but you can ALWAYS view all articles in a thread)... all without visiting the sites.

Feedly and Inoreader are both awesome - and you can (and should regularly) export a list of your feeds as a backup/migration strategy.

Feedly is great, use it for my private RSS stuff.

At work, on macos, I use rssbot - which isn't an RSS reader but just an ... uhm ... rss linker? It doesn't feature the capability to read content but just gives you a list of links to anything new. If that's enough for you, it's a great app.

I have never understood what RSS is or how to access it even after looking it up

RSS is one of the oldest protocols existing. Basically it's like a feed with links to things posted...

I'd suggest you start with Feedly or Inoreader, make an account and take a look.

For me, it means that I can see notifications (Inoreader) telling me how many unread items have occurred across the 79 websites I added as feeds.

  • I have a folder for 'Fediverse' with feeds like Lemmy - ukraine (also Reddit's r/ukraine).

  • I have a 'Linux' folder, containing a few interesting blogs - like Niccolo's KDE developer blog, a few news sites, plus announcements from my OS forum.

  • I have a 'News' folder with various sources (one is a journalist I know with a Facebook page - as I don't use Facebook).

  • I have a 'Video' folder

  • I have a 'Time Waster' folder which has things like Digg, WindowSwap, Drive & Listen

Basically, any time you make an account and request updates from a website, the same can be done with NO account and simply copying the RSS link.

It gives you updates on things you don't need to bother bookmarking or opening to follow.

I'm still bitter about bloglines shutting down. I tried thisoldreader and inoreader but it never felt the same. Then I found reddit.

I used to have RSS for everything but noticed over the past 10 years or so fewer and fewer places even bother to offer up an official feed. For a while I used 3rd party apps or self hosted scripts to force generate a valid rss feed but eventually gave up. Been 4-5 years now since I've logged into my feedly account (which was migrated from google reader, good times).

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication.

Back when blogs were a bigger thing, they would be setup with RSS to “push out” notifications when new posts were published. (Technically your RSS client pulls the RSS feeds but the end result is the same - the feed is just a list of posts basically).

You open up your RSS client or site and there will be a list of sites you’re “following” and any new posts they’ve made.

Plenty of sites still support RSS. A lot of readers can pull the RSS feed automatically if you just give them the site URL/web address.

My personal choice is NewsBlur which is at You can get a free account there to try it out.

wait, I've never used quora. whats bad about it

@soiling @BendyLemmy the quality of answers is low, you're not missing out

It’s kind of famous for some stupidly bad questions & answers.

Thanks for the A2A.

No, miles morales from Spider man tm into the spiderverse tm is not related to dipper pines from gravity falls

Stay curious Signing off Have a good one -username

How is babby formed

That was Yahoo! Answers. Quroa is...a titch better.

Depends on context. Yahoo Answers was so bad it was a form of entertainment (unintentionally), especially with people curating the funny stuff so you never had to even set foot there.

Quora on the other hand just pays people to participate so you end up with people who don't even have any questions they need to ask making up garbage, then people giving copy/pasted or even completely wrong answers to boost their reputation. The site also always pesters you to log in. It's not even useful as a source of a good laugh.

Other than blocking you from browsing their site unless you join (or clear your cookies) you mean?

Can you elaborate further on the YouTube - RSS feeds? Seems like something I'd like to use too