Study: 100% of meat and dairy companies have lobbied against environmental and climate policies to politics – 928 points –
Study: 100% of meat and dairy companies have lobbied against environmental and climate policies

All 10 of the largest U.S. meat and dairy companies have lobbied against environmental and climate policies, resisting climate regulations, including rules on greenhouse gases and emissions reporting. This is according to a study by New York University, which examined the political influence of the 10 largest meat and dairy companies in the United States.


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Not at all biased when the article starts out with a likely out of context picture of a cow looking terrified and as if it's crying. Fuck corporations, all of them, fuck them all, but there are a few of us with severe enough allergies that without meat we would starve. Ableist bullshit to believe everyone can stop eating meat.

Personification is a dangerous tool

What allergies do you have such that without meat you would starve if I may ask?

they don't owe you their medical history and it's creepy to ask.

It's not creepy to ask a follow-up about information they volunteered in the first place.

Hmm, okay.. no is also fine. I have just not heard of any such conditions before. I Googled for it and asked ChatGPT, but got nothing.

No, if they bring it up in conversation respectful questions are fair game.

I have a severe salicylate allergy to the point that 90% of veggies cause an allergic reaction for me. Aspirin tolerance therapy hasn't been an option because of the severity of my allergy. I have several documented nut allergies, among other true food allergies to various foods from shellfish, other fish, bananas, sweet potatoes ( and their family), as well as mustard etc etc, and then an impressive list of IgG reactions (food intolerances) that cause immune response in my digestive system. Amongst them is most grains, nuts, milk, yogurt, some cheeses. Although I'm not allergic to MSG because it's debated that's even possible, I do have severe migraines w/ aura triggered by foods with high glutamates like textured vegetable protein, aside from salicylate content of those proteins. What to hear what my body things of nitrates? I used to be a guy who could roll around in poison ivy without breaking out and was allergic to almost nothing. Then my autoimmune disease started and my body went nuts. Granted I'm a vast minority of people, but I'd rather not lose any more foods.

Wow, I never had heard of salicylates. If you combine that with your other allergies that indeed leaves you with a very restricted diet. What I understand is that you could still survive on a vegan diet, but you'd be extremely limited in what you can eat and perhaps have a hard time meeting your daily requirements. Are supplements working for you? I understand your point of view. Thanks for sharing.

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