Israel Committing 'Textbook Case of Genocide,' Holocaust Historian Says to World – 954 points –
Israel committing "textbook case of genocide," holocaust historian says



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I think your and my definition of "at all costs" is a bit different.

Do you believe Hamas would avoid civil casualties if Israel didn't do those strikes and let them do whatever they wanted?

I think It's pretty obvious that Hamas has never been and will never be able to kill nearly as many people as Israel is killing right now.

So they should have free reign to kill Israelis unpunished whenever they want since it's impossible to get to them without casualties because of how they play it?

How is that the only alternative you can think of?! This black or white thinking is total bullshit. Israel is easily strong enough to prevent most attacks and work towards a peaceful solution.

Prevent most attacks, means there's nonzero percent of attacks which succeed, and that means even more dead civilians

But much fewer than a genocide, and it preserves the possibility of a peaceful resolution.

Hamas is not interested in a peaceful solution though.

I think you're just trolling at this point.

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