Brave browser quietly slips a VPN service onto your Windows PC

AlmightySnoo 🐢🇮🇱🇺🇦 to – 622 points –
Brave browser quietly slips a VPN service onto your Windows PC

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Though they are transparent with the fact that they are doing it. I'm not a fan of it either, but it's not too shady when they're open about it IMO.

Fair enough, they aren't evil to be sure.

The Mozilla telemetry, pocket, Mozilla synchronization, experiments, the new tab page basically being an advertisement page. That leaves the sour taste in my mouth, so I don't trust them because of that... Shady good guy vibes:)

They're doing what they think they need to justify their existence, and although I personally believe being just a great browser would be enough I appreciate their communication around their ventures. It's not great, but it's not like they're installing malware in the background.

And may I point out that just being a great browser hasn't worked out so well for Firefox so far. Unfortunately in today's day and age you have to promote yourself to stand out. Chrome is an abject piece of crap that actively spies on you and yet Google's PR has managed to convince the vast majority to use it.

It’s also worth noting that Chrome’s security model is much more robust than Firefox’s. Acting like Firefox is superior in every regard only serves to undercut Mozilla’s pleas for more contributors and funding.

They get pretty close sometimes. I respect their mojo, but I don't install vanilla Firefox anymore. On anything. For any reason. I don't trust them anymore.

I wish them the best, if I could donate directly to Firefox development I would, but it's impossible with them. So I don't. I donate to mullvad, I donate to the Tor project, and I donate to servo. That's what I can do to make sure we maintain an open and free web

The blog post is pretty recent but the version he's talking about is 57 ! I'm confused, is this the ESR version ?

This is an old issue, I was just linking to it to reference why I have friendly relations with Firefox but I doubt they're intentions, or at least I consider them an ally but one that needs to be double checked.

The date on that post is clearly wrong. Maybe they got some weird content management system that's updating the date and correctly or they made an edit or something

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I dont get why everyone bitches about Pocket, tbh. Ive been a Pocket user for years and Mozilla's purchase of them has made them better if anything.

I've always liked the idea of pocket and have tried to get into using it multiple times but sadly I'm a savage who hates even using bookmarks for some reason. I just keep all of it in my brain (which tends to mean I do not keep it at all).

It took me a long time to get used to pocket, not gonna lie. But once I did, I can't live without it.

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