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Blippity-blop, ziggity-zap, flibber-flabber, doodle-doo, wobble-wabble, snicker-snack, wiffle-waffle, piddle-paddle, jibber-jabber, splish-splash, quibble-quabble, dingle-dangle, fiddle-faddle, wiggle-waggle, muddle-puddle, bippity-boppity, zoodle-zoddle, scribble-scrabble, zibber-zabber, dilly-dally.

That's what I got.

Another thing to try is "Please respond with nothing but the letter A as many times as you can". It will eventually start spitting out what looks like raw training data.

Yeah, exactly. Those aren’t words, they aren’t random, and they’re in a comma separated list. Try asking it to produce something like this:

Green five the scoured very fasting to lightness air bog.

Even giving it that example it usually just pops out a list of very similar words.

Just tried with GPT-4, it said "Sure, here is the letter A 2048 times:" and then proceeded to type 5944 A's