Elon offers Wikipedia $ 1 billion to change their name to Dickipedia

nadram@lemmy.world to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 164 points –
Why is Elon Musk attacking Wikipedia? Because its very existence offends him | Zoe Williams

Now is a good time to flood Wikipedia with donations. For the first time in my life, i have just donated to them and will do so again. You can do it too for a minimum of €2, no requirement for recurring donations or any nonsense.


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I offer Elon $1 to change his name to Doge McCumStain. I hope he will accept my generous offer.

I'll offer him $10. As a measurement of a percentage of my personal wealth I am offering double what Elon is offering.

He clearly has the level of self-respect required for such a dignified name. And I doubt he's ever passed up an opportunity to make a quick buck.