Firefox 119 released to – 293 points –
Firefox  119.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fixes

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Really excited about the new PDF editing features!

At this point I'd be happy for people to understand what pdfs are and stop sending them on the emails with signatures that say "to open the file download adobe acrobat reader"... Like I received the other day.

-"Can you send me the vector artwork for this logo, not just a png?"

-"Sure, here you go."

It's the exact same png, just embedded in a pdf

At least cheating like this is still an svg.

<image width="20" height="20" xlink:href="data:image/png;base64,..."/>

Yes! This one is the big feature for me. PDFs are always a pain to sign.

On Linux I've been using Xournal which does the job pretty well, but I'm really looking forward to try it on Firefox!

When I saw that my reaction was "Why is firefox including a pdf editor?", curious if a lot of people will use it

If you're running Linux, you'd understand why so many people are excited about that one feature. I sure am very excited. PDF editors on Linux (as far as I know) suck on Linux.

Pdfs are about the only thing left I can think of that are better on windows now