life to Lemmy – 1007 points –

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What's LEV?

They clearly mean the currency of Bulgaria

The preferred currency when accidentally buying a horse

Rather than stealing one like most horse owners did?

No no, rather than renting it for 50 minutes because the horse needs a break.

Could be Longevity Escape Velocity.

The theory that in one point in time, science will help us live longer say a couple of years, and during that time, science will find out how to make us live some more years etc until we can live how long time we want to.

Some people think we're already there BTW.

Yeah, maybe I shoulda clarified :/

So was it that you meant :-D ?


So where do people interested in longevity hang out?

I'm a longtime fan, but with the exception to a discord for a while, it seems people are not very interested.

Beats me. r/longevity was the largest group I found, but I don't frequent there any more for rather obvious reasons.

Yeah it wasn't exactly brilliant on Reddit and people have the weirdest repulsion towards longevity. Sigh.

I really don't get the debate against even just living longer...

The point of longevity isn't to have a rambling grape, it's to have people stay in their prime for significantly longer time. This means anything you could want to do then would be avaliable. With optimal mind too, imagine the spike in development of technology. Maybe the singularity or something, and all of a sudden anything anyone imagines can be done. It'll be a world of dreams, and surely dreams can't get boring, right?


It's so infuriating, it's like people have some brain-fog or irrational fear for "living well"...

Okay you have cancer, you are dying in 3 years, except if you take this pill.

-"Ok! Gimme!!"

Here is a pill that will make you look younger, but will take away 3 years of your life.

-"Oh yes please gimme right away!!"

But roll back effects of old age? Oh no... what a horror, right.