Meet Nightshade, the new tool allowing artists to ‘poison’ AI models with corrupted training data to – 510 points –
Meet Nightshade, the new tool allowing artists to ‘poison’ AI models with corrupted training data

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It's going to be an arms race

Which is incredibly favorable for the AI side. Like current countermeasures are either almost completely worthless, or degrade the quality of the protected medium so much that you wouldn't use it.

It's going to be an AI vs AI all out, drag down, cage match.

Until the hype and thus the ridiculous worth estimations dry up and the AI companies suddenly can't just throw money at every problem anymore.

Open source AI has been keeping up pretty well of late.

Most of the cool shit for AI these days is done by users, so at this point the companies aren't super important anymore.

The arms race will soon be AGI versus AGI and us humans will be on the sideline not even sure who is winning.

Do you think an authentic AGI would have ethical\moral boundaries completely divorced from what the original software programmed? In other words would it be able to make it's own decisions without interference?

I am certain it will happen. Perhaps not with all AGIs, but for sure some. That day is coming.

I hope they will because I feel like if AGIs have ethical decision-making skills that Terminator-esque dystopian future becomes remote. If they never have that then we very well might be at the mercy of the world's largest conglomerations.

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