Israel's military tells UN in Gaza: ask Hamas for fuel to World – 298 points –
Israel's military tells UN in Gaza: ask Hamas for fuel

Israel's military suggested on Tuesday that the United Nations ask Hamas for fuel supplies after the U.N. agency providing aid to Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip warned it would have to halt operations on Wednesday night if no fuel was delivered.

The agency, known as UNRWA, posted its warning on social media on Tuesday. The Israel Defense Forces reposted it and said that Hamas militants have more than 500,000 litres of fuel in tanks inside besieged Gaza.

"Ask Hamas if you can have some," the IDF wrote.


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Isreal is literally committing genocide on a larger scale than Hamas could ever dream of.

Your argument is that Isreal is morally permitted to inflict actual genocide in response to a perceived threat of genocide?

You're either oblivious to reality or living in denial, and most certainly engaging in emotional reasoning; not logic.

Isreal is literally committing genocide

The word "literally" has lost all meaning lol

So you deny Isreal's mass murder of innocent Palestinians? Or do you just not understand the meaning of the words "literally" and "genocide"?

Or do you just not understand the meaning of the words “literally” and “genocide”?

This, but you.

Also your use of "murder" is inappropriate in this context.

Nice "no u" response, hahahaha.

Alright, you're either a troll or the lowest common denominator, and not worth wasting my time either way.

Go ahead and get the last word in so you can tell yourself you "won" an argument, or whatever other self-deluded rationalizations you like to commit. I don't feed trolls, so I'm not gonna bite.

He makes several good points and your basically just vomitting buzzwords and copypasta.

Hahahahaha I bet you don't even see the irony and hypocrisy of your claim here.

He made a bunch of baseless claims, emotional reasoning, logical fallacies, ad hominem, and "no u" as his strongest point.

This is like below average middle school level debate. If you're reading his comments and thinking he's making strong logical arguments, then I am honestly sad for both of you.

No I'm just fully literate.

I don't care about how you feel about our "discussion"

No I’m just fully literate.

Proceeds to answer all questions with variations of “no u”.

Stupid comments get half-assed responses.

You're no better than the goons in Hamas... only instead of actually fighting for what you believe in, you just get in arguments online.

Well I haven't murdered any families so no.

No, you just support the action of families being murdered. From what I've been seeing from the Pro-IDF voices these past few weeks, that makes you just as bad as the people committing the atrocities.


Stunning rebuttal.

I expect no less from a shitheel who supports civilians being murdered.

You're literally defending terrorists lol

I am speaking up for Palestinian civilians.

You are defending an organized group using military tactics and equipment to kill and terrorize their opponents into submission.

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I mean, "they threw rocks at tanks, so they deserved to die" may be a pretty shitty justification to kill civilians, but it's still murder.

You are no better than people openly supporting Hamas.

Which of the attacks in October involved throwing rocks at tanks, again?

It must've been a pretty big rock Islamic Jihad threw when they blew up part of their own hospital.

You think I'm talking about October? No, I'm talking about all the other times Palestinian kids were killed for tenuous reasons...

But sure, if that's the metric you want to use... which of the Palestinian children who died as a result of Israel's response to the recent attacks deserved to die?

It's not a tenuous reason. If you throw shit at an army in a war zone they're going to shoot you. That's just how reality works.

I'm strongly opposed to Israel's dumbass heavy-handed reapons s to prior attacks. Their leadership has been idiotic. That doesn't make them intentionally targeting civilians.

I was in Iraq during the war. Kids threw rocks and bottles at our HMMWVs all the time. You know what we didn’t do? We didn’t shoot them. Normal civilized armies have rules of engagement.

Normal civilized armies have rules of engagement.

Like if the US claims you have nuclear weapons and the UN says you have no evidence your war is illegal, you do it anyways. Murika Fuk Yah!

That whole war was a glorified terrorist attack in my eyes.

So, if the UN tells the US the war is illegal, the US do it anyway, and that makes it a terrorist attack, what's that tell you about the Israeli government and how they're treating UN officials now?

When were you in Iraq? I'm betting it wasn't during Fallujah, because I can assure you civilians were killed there due to misconceptions.

I have friends who did the killing, and are super fucked up about it.

I was there from late 2003 to late 2004. When was Fallujah again? Oh wait, same time frame.

Just quit while you’re behind homie. No one is agreeing with your shitty takes

Confusing people agreeing with you and being right is how your shitty country wound up with people like Marjorie Taylor Space Laser as an elected official.

Lol well POG, I'll just tell my buddies to stop going to therapy and taking their meds because they definitely didn't kill any civilians

What a bunch of pussies they must be, right?

You're gonna call someone a pog that you don't even know? And you weren't in the military? Now I definitely know you're a troll just trying to elicit emotional responses. I'm sure you'll have to get the last word in but this is my last reply.

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Lol. Spoken like a true bootlicking terrorist. "Of course he deserved to die. He threw ROCKS at our armored vehicles".

At least argue from a position of honesty and admit that you don't give a shit about Palestinian civilians being used as fodder by both sides.

I didn't say anything about deserving. I acknowledged the reality of what happens when you throw rocks at soldiers in a war zone.

This is true for every war zone.

A child throwing a rock at a tank is not a reason to shoot the child. You'd be right at home with the racist shitheels here in America who want to shoot black delivery drivers for daring to pull into their driveway.

You're a fascist.

You’re a fascist.

Words have truly lost all meaning

But he got upvotes on the internet, clearly he is right.

Humans are fucking doomed.

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Yeah leftists are hella dumb.


Leftist rag, Newsweek.

Something tells me you just actually don't mind the idea of genocide that much.

It's citing a specific professor, and he didn't write the article in Newsweek, he wrote it in a leftist column

Read your own article.

Uh huh.

And Newsweek just repeated it blindly because they loveeeeee giving dirty commies free press for their unfounded statements.

Newsweek reported news, which is that a person I think has some dumb and misguided opinions wrote an article. It's news because of his profession

Seriously, read your own article.

Lul, okay bro. He just quoted the UN definition of genocide verbatim.

Sorry, but I'm just not dumb enough to believe you're dumb enough to actually believe what you're saying.

Try Truth Social? More folks in your target demo there.

Nah I don't speak to conservatives. I just live in reality and can read.

You didn't even read your own article.

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