Anti-Semites cannot be granted German citizenship under new law - minister to World – 623 points –
Anti-Semites cannot be granted German citizenship under new law - minister

A law under consideration by the German parliament would mean that people who have committed anti-Semitic acts can never be granted citizenship, German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said on Wednesday.


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We need sources please

Israel literally named a settlement in the Golan Heights after fffking Trump.\_Heights

After Bibi had wine and cheese with him. Fukem both.

Thanks. I had no idea. That’s terrifying.

I know. I kept trying to give IL the benefit of the doubt until I saw THAT ffking shhht in the news. Our new Speaker of the House is a neonazi who wants to "defend" Israel while legislatively trying to murder everyone else who is not a ffking cis-white-Christian-male.

I CANNOT take that place seriously now.

This ain't it, chief.

i can excuse apartheid and genocide but i draw the line at naming something after a politician

You don't understand my point that "naming things after THIS particular bottom tier politician" is something that makes you not credible anymore?

Don't ffk this up on yourself.

Trump aint a nazi tho

He stood in the Ford factory and talked about "great bloodlines", called African nations like Botswana shitholes and got innocent black men legally harassed for their their entire lives.

That's enough for me, bro.

well actual neo-nazis are against trump because he was pro-israel, but whatev

No. No they're not.

Margie Greene is a LITERAL neonazi that went to a KKK brunch, laughed it off, and is his biggest supporter.

Don't even try conflating Judaism with Israeli government support after some of even the most staunch Hareidi sects, and also Holocaust victims, protest Israeli politics.

And Trump is NOT "pro-Israel", he's "pro-ME."

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