Anti-Semitic incidents in US up about 400% since Israel-Hamas war began: Report to – 213 points –
Anti-Semitic incidents in US up about 400% since Israel-Hamas war began: Report

Antisemitic incidents in the United States rose by about 400% in slightly over two weeks since war broke out in the Middle East after Palestinian Islamist group Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, advocacy group Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said Wednesday. Read more at


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Wall of text≠argument

Are you fucking trolling or are you just an imbecile? "Wall of text"? It's a few fucking paragraphs. I'm not trying to overwhelm you, and I'm sorry if I have, but yes, it does take a few sentences to make multiple points. It takes words to form arguments, and words construct sentences, and sentences lead to paragraphs. Don't fucking try and TL;DR me and pretend it's an argument.

Sure, more words doesn't necessarily mean more points. But on the other hand, fewer words doesn't necessarily guarantee a concise point; it can just as well be a pointless pithy remark such as your own. You imply I'm just waffling - where are your reasons for your claim? Prove your point, you coward. Or, let's get back on topic.

Or are you scared to get back on topic?

TIL 36 lines is "a few paragraphs"

You're really out of touch with reality, no wonder you believe in that kind of bullshit

Okay, so you're trolling. Paragraphs are not counted in lines. You really mist be afraid to get back on topic.

I can turn the whole Bible into one paragraph. It's lines that count

Why would he steal something he already had?

Why would he have it under your system?

Why do you call it "my" system? Do you think I invented it?

Also - why would he not have it? Remember, we're talking about an anarchist society. What exactly do you think is preventing him from going to the nearest community store and getting it?

I have to ask this: what exactly do you think anarchism is?

Buying it with what? Getting it from where? It being produced how?

Money would likely be abolished. He'd freely take it from a communuty store. It would have been produced by free workers working where and how they wanted for the good of society.

Sure, how do you secure production lines and give out free stuff?

You're just never gonna stop asking stupid questions are you?

Secure them from what? Theft? That's no longer an issue, like I already said. And I've already stated twice how things would be distributed. You're just not listening. You have no real objections at this point, and are just being stubborn.

SO.., back on topic.

  1. Why is he trying to steal things he already has?
  2. Why would nobody else help?
  3. Why is a state needed here? Wouldn't diffuse sanctions work?
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