Hamas vows 'full force' after Israel steps up Gaza ground operations

pleasemakesense@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 144 points –
Hamas vows 'full force' after Israel steps up Gaza ground operations

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Maybe sit this one out

Nah, fuck both sides. Indiscriminate killing is indiscriminate killing. Hamas is bad but carpet bombing hospitals isn't better.

So... why lump all of Palestine in with Hamas?

Why lump all Isrealites with Netanyahu policy? Its a 2 way street

"It's NoT iSrAeL iT'S jUsT nEtAnYaHu" smells very much like "It's NoT rUsSiA iT'S jUsT pUtIn".

Why stop there, it also smells like "it's not Palestine, it's just hamas."

Admittedly I just realized I misread the initial post I responded to. I thought it said, you can't be pro-palistine without being pro-hamas. None the less, nobody's have are clean in this conflict.

I'd say the children killed by both Israeli bombings and Hamas rockets are probably pretty fuckin' clean.

Right, which is why I think both sides suck. The gray is that there is a lot more history then the last couple of weeks. None of it justifies current actions, but it's not black and white..