Anti-Semitic incidents in US up about 400% since Israel-Hamas war began: Report to – 213 points –
Anti-Semitic incidents in US up about 400% since Israel-Hamas war began: Report

Antisemitic incidents in the United States rose by about 400% in slightly over two weeks since war broke out in the Middle East after Palestinian Islamist group Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, advocacy group Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said Wednesday. Read more at


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I’m just saying it’s impossible to keep our current technology


(again, how do you fucking keep production lines?)

I've already answered that. Now explain why my answer is insufficient - you haven't. All you've done is say I'm wrong, without telling me what the actual answer is. This tells me you don't have an answer.

What would stop people working on the production of society?

You also trust too much on humanity

Lol, nope. I have little faith in humanity. But I've seen enough evidence to understand that humans placed in a society where they have to fight to survive, will only be motivated by survival.

Oh right - that's our current society.

However, placed in an environment when their survival is already taken care of, they will instead prioritise what they actually want to do. Ever met a person who said "I wanna be a doctor"? How about "I wanna be a vet"? These desires already exist, but they are not catered to.

What speaks to me of "too much trust" is you, expecting our competitive, capitalist market economy to give people what they need, and present them with the opportunities they want. That's fucking magical thinking.

Anarcho-primitivists are the only honest anarchists

Oh, please, Tyler Durden. Anarcho-primitivism is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The technology and infrastructure for feeding and powering the world already exists - we use it every day! The only problem is that this infrastructure is in private hands. If it were managed by the people directly, it would be far more efficient, instead of being weighed down by the bureaucracy of marketisation.

Now, please. This is your final chance to have an honest conversation with me. Actually respond to my points or I sincerely promise, I will block you. You ave, up to this point, ignored everything I've said to simply talk over me and say I'm wrong with no explanations, sources, or reasons why. This is not debate, this is you waiting to be called correct, or for me to give up.

SO.. back on topic.

  1. Why is he trying to steal things he already has?
  2. Why would nobody else help?
  3. Why is a state needed here? Wouldn't diffuse sanctions work?

Again with that shit? I'm fucking tired

You are clearly incapable of holding an honest conversation on this topic. Bye.

No, I'm clearly incapable of proving an anarchist wrong, not because they're right, but because it's impossible to convince quasi-religious fanatics

I already told you I'm not an anarchist. Try paying attention.

Also, what happened to your horseshoe theory? Remember that you said anarchists are just like Nazis? Why are you now saying it's just a "wonderland" with nothing holding people down? Can't you be consistent with the reason you're against it?

The same thing happened that always happens:

A: Leftism doesn't work! It's too authoritarian!!

B: Actually, it requires zero authority.

A: Leftism is too soft! It has no authority! It will never work!

So - which one is it? Gangs of thugs beating people up a la Nazis, or is it too diffuse and has too little authority?

So, if it's like religion, tell me - what are its doctrines? What are the commandments, what is the dogma?

This is getting so annoying. You make a point, I respond to it, then you ignore my response and say something irrelevant. Why should I take you seriously at all?

And another wall of text

Jfc ok I'll sum it up for your dumb ass that can't read more than 5 words at once:

You have dismissed anarchism as being both too authoritarian, AND too soft. It can't be both.

Also, if anarchism is dogmatic, what are its strict rules?

Lastly, stop just ignoring my points and pretending like you're making arguments that way.

When did I say it's authoritarian?

For fuck's sake. Do I have to DRAG you every step of the way, here? You invoked horseshoe theory, and said anarchism and fascism both rely on "gangs of thugs" to keep people in line and quell dissent. So I can concede you didn't use the word authoritarian, but you described it the way anyone would. You implied anarchism has to use force. What else do I need?

Yes, because Antifa are gangs of thugs no different from the Brownshirts

Oh, so you've flipped again, huh? Just can't make up your mind whether anarchists are thugs or wide eyed idealists.

Does this not seem like a contradiction, to you?

Idealism can make you do violent acts when putting it into practice

Which is why socialism is based on materialism, not idealism. You got dangerously close to making a point. Are you feeling okay? Still wasn't relevant to what I said, though - how do you reconcile your view of anarchists as violent thugs, with the view of them as soft pushovers with no backbone?

Let me give you a hint - this specific contradictory view of leftists has its roots in fascist ideology:

"Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak". On the one hand, fascists play up the power of certain disfavored elites to encourage in their followers a sense of grievance and humiliation."

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