Anti-Semitic incidents in US up about 400% since Israel-Hamas war began: Report to – 213 points –
Anti-Semitic incidents in US up about 400% since Israel-Hamas war began: Report

Antisemitic incidents in the United States rose by about 400% in slightly over two weeks since war broke out in the Middle East after Palestinian Islamist group Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, advocacy group Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said Wednesday. Read more at


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Where does it say it has to be an individual? Workers could be the messiah

Lmao no. Not how messiah narratives work lad. Messiahs are heroic individuals. Stories about groups overcoming oppression are called revolutions or rebellions. Read a fucking book, mate.

you don't "empathise with the capitalist" don't lie to yourselves

Yes, yes I do. Because I know if I were in that position, I'd feel pretty damn awful about it. It's hard enough just giving orders to begin with. It's not a position that should exist. We seem to intuitively understand this with kings, but somehow capitalists is too far for people these day.

The people that "overthrow capitalism" would be considered heroic individuals too

For example, Lenin's mummy is exposed in a fucking public plaza in the capital of Russia like if he was a monument

Nope, they would be working class getting what they deserve. Also, no one overthrew capitalism is Russia. They didn't have capitalism to begin with. Learn your history. They also never ended up with communism, if that's what you're gonna say. They had a state capitalism. And the veneration of individuals ia another clue we're not dealing with a system about the people.

I just love how you keep trying to prove me wrong, but can only find examples that prove me right. It's beautiful.

I love you.

"that wasn't real communism"

Is a fly a real kangaroo? Definitions exist for a reason. Communism is stateless - the USSR had a state. Communism is moneyless - but they still used money. Communism erases class distinctions - guess what else? The USSR had class distinctions. Sorry buddy. You can tell me you have a car, but if it only has two wheels and no motor, it's probably just a bicycle.

I can try flying without a plane and then claim it wasn't real flying when I fail

It wasn't real flying, though... literally! You just made my own point better than I could. Lmao.

I tried flying, I failed, then claimed it wasn't real flying

I haven't made you any point

Yes, because it wasn't flying! To fly, a human needs tools, like a plane, helicopter or hang glider. Then you can achieve real flight. Just like real communism requires class consciousness and a proletariat willing to lead themselves in revolution to abolish capitalism, the state and class.

I see no possible way to interpret your statements as anything other than proving my point that things can only be achieved a certain way.

Again, I claim I will fly without a tool, I don't, then I claim it wasn't real flight to shift the blame away from the fact that it's impossible for a human to fly without tools

Oh I see. So you're now just claiming it's impossible for people to get out of oppression? We must forever be under the yoke of capital?

Plenty of evidence indicates societies have, many times, managed to exist without state or hierarchy.

So no, not impossible. It just has to be done without hierarchy and state. If it has those, it's not communism.

If you want to engage in this conversation honestly, your next move is to prove it is impossible to live without hierarchy :)

Yes, prehistoric societies have existed without a state... Wonder why it stopped being that way

Also, capitalism is extremely recent, yet you claim it has existed since fucking antiquity

Whatever, you fuckers are even worse than Jehovah's witnesses

Do you really wonder? Because there are answers to that, easily found. States are created by authoritarians who wish to have control over others.

And I think you oight to go back to reading children's books, because I never said capitalism existed in antiquity.

You're making this too easy now by just lying.

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