Do the people in Reniassance festivals occurring in Britain also speak with faked British accents, or do they use faked French/Italian accents instead? to No Stupid – 411 points –

I'd imagine they fake an American accent. Maybe Burbank, CA?


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Middle or old english?

Old English is ~650-1066

Middle English is ~1066-1500

Early Modern English is ~1500-1650

Modern English is ~1650-now

Beowulf was somewhere between 700 and 1000, so that's Old English.

Shakespeare lived from 1564 to 1616, so he used Early Modern English.

The King James Bible is from 1611 and it's counted as Early Modern English.

And the Epic of Gilgamesh was written between 2100-1200 BC in Mesopotamia which is on a different continent than England (today it's mostly Syria and Iraq).

People must have been so confused when the languages switched after the Battle of Hastings.

All these cut-offs between different stages of a language are lines drawn in the sand, centuries after the fact.

And the Normans invading England had a massive influence on the language. Of course not immediately, but really fast.

I didn't invent that, I just took that from Wikipedia. According to Wiki, some people put the cut-off at ~1100, which would make sense too.

Ok, well then I won't have to ask who the first human mated with, then.

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