5 reasons Linux is the best OS for coding

Joe Klemmer@lemmy.myserv.one to Linux@lemmy.ml – 54 points –

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the thumbnail is just cringe. more of a script kiddie vibe than a real programmer.

A real programmer would focus on the writing and not the thumbnail, like a kiddie.

It is part of their presentation. It shows their ignorance.

Book is bad because I dont like the cover

If a math book has 1+1=3 on its cover, I will judge it.

and which math book has that? idk how making up shit helps u here. and it's not even a good comparison, misinformation vs some ascii art. I hope those real programmers are more mature

Analogies are hard

Dont make them then, I showed how that one was shit in 2 different ways

What kind of Linux distro has ASCII art on the desktop by default? you're making stuff up

Analogies are made to be made up

Never claimed that take your strawman elsewhere thanks

The things we are comparing are a math book with a 1+1=3 on its cover and an article with a thumbnail of a linux desktop with ascii art on the background. If we ditch the default talk, then I can also just plaster a 1+1=3 on my math book and it won't be misinformation

So you think mentioning both ascii art and a linux distro somehow counts as misinformation?

Well, its at the same level as 1+1=3 and a math book. It's not claimed to be truth, but it uses a very inappropriate pop-appropriation to try and grab your attention

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It may not be that on the nose, but I've seen more than one technical textbook with three meshed gears on the front.

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I'm not a programmer, just an old school Linux user. The writing is okay, I just pointed out that this thumbnail does not do the article any favor.

I wonder how you tried linux with that silly penguin as a logo, didn't that give you kiddie vibes too? What's your opinion on it? Does linux lose your respect over it?

It’s not about the ascii dragon, it’s that Kali Linux is known amongst Linux communities to attract (script) kiddies / wannabe hackers.

And Tux is a stone cold G. If that penguin alone didn’t bring you over to Linux you have brain problems.

I'm kinda sure they're a troll by now

Thumbnail is bad because the distro attracts people I dont like and I'll even call the authors ignorant over it, those kiddies may be more mature than you, real programmer

You're assuming "kiddies" means literal children, but no. It means skill level.
The problem with scripts kitties is that they'll only use pre-existing pen-testing tools, maybe those tools work maybe they don't, either way the script kiddie learns nothing.
To be a real hacker you need to bare minimum learn a programming language and seek to learn the interworkings of a computer.
Script kiddies tend to not even attempt to learn.

the script kiddie learns nothing.

He has something in common with the "real programmers" in this sub then, disregarding an article and even calling the author ignorant because the thumbnail has some ...ascii art?

I'mma be honest, the thumbnail does fit the article pretty well...
Because they're both pretty wack. It's just restating the same talking points that have been around for decades. I was expecting something more original and technical because of the thumbnail.
Pretty disappointing.

An image is added to an article to catch the reader's eyes, so the article gets read. I pointed out that this image didn't transmit a proper impression of the article.

If you are as superior as your condescending attitude suggests that you don't even get a first impression of things, good for you. But us, mortals, will have an impression of the article posted by taking a glance at the thumbnail or the cover of a book, if that were the case.

Of course, that first impression will change after reading the actual content, but getting the first impression right gets you more people looking at the content.

ascii art doesnt transmit a proper impression but a silly penguin for an os does?

ASCII art has virtually no relation to Linux and the penguin is at least its mascot. Judge ém or not it's a SYMBOL, while the ascii art thing does not symbolize much related to the article

The picture literally mentions kali linux how many distros mentioned do u need if only u gave same attention to the writing

Kali has no relation to ASCII art, and I've read the entire article... the writing is pretty bland but to the point while simultaneously bringing nothing of value

Kali isnt mentioned in the article either, do you intend to complain about that too?

a silly penguin for an os does?

Would you prefer the transgender fox Linux mascot named Xenia? 🧐

Im not the one judging content based on thumbnails/logos, ask literally anyone else in this thread

Sorry to break it to you bud, but after some 3000 downvotes I don't think anyone really agrees with anything you've said, ever.


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