Killings in the U.S. are dropping at a historic rate. Will anyone notice? to – 314 points –
Killings in the U.S. are dropping at a historic rate. Will anyone notice?

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Before we start to pat ourselves on the back: How does the number of murders in the U. S. compare to the rest of the world? This is really the only meaningful metric, otherwise it's like a chain smoker congratulating themselves from dropping from 3 packs a day to 2.

*"... there are lies, damn lies, and statistics." *

*edit*: The link I posted referred to a high murder rate for U.S. Virgin Islands (not contential U.S.).  So, it's not relevant to the conversation. Thanks for calling me out on it. 

Dropping from 3 packs a day to 2 is great progress, IMO? I'd congratulate someone on that.

Well, no one else is so hit me with it.

I’m lying. My mom said she was very proud of me she believes I can quit.

Hey I'm super glad to hear you're making a positive change. Quitting is tough, and it can be a long road. One day at a time. Congrats on your progress so far, I also believe you can do it!

That source seems to be claiming that the US's Virgin Islands is the 4th highest at 49 per cap. America overall averages closer to 7.

Thats US Virgin Islands at 4th with a rate of 49.3. The source you provided shows the US has a homicide rate of 4.96. Its a little unclear if the source is using murder and homicide interchangeably or not.

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