A software company called Threads says Meta tried to buy its domain and kicked it off Facebook

DannyMac@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 903 points –
A software company called Threads says Meta tried to buy its domain and kicked it off Facebook

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It's not what Facebook is doing. The company has owned the trademark for over a decade, and Facebook is trying to strong arm them into giving it up.

This is also in the UK where they somewhat stand up to companies like Facebook. McDonald's lost their trademark for the Big Mac for trying to do this exact same thing.

Maybe I didn't convey what I'm saying well. Facebook is attempting to take a name because they have money. Laws don't really apply to them, they seem to think, and it's because of their bullying and their money.

Also, Wendy's had this issue as well in Europe, but their issue was about their actual company name.

Eh, the UK isn't in the best situation, in terms of big tech. If anything, most FAANG companies have got away without paying any tax here for over a decade because the alternative is they ship all of their jobs elsewhere, and the UK tech scene implodes.

I think a UK court would likely stand up for the British company, as they should, but I would expect Meta to be allowed to throw their weight around a little.