Man arrested for pointing gun at 6-year-old boy's head over Halloween goody bag to – 483 points –
Man arrested for pointing gun at 6-year-old boy's head over Halloween goody bag

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I don't even know what that is lol.

All cops are bastards, he's arguing you're anti police.

Im anti shitty cop and by your comments so are you, dudes the worst kind of low effort troll.

Thanks for the context!

I was hoping they would say more, at least try to argue but they blocked me. I have yet to find a pro copper on Lemmy that has the balls to defend them fully.

That's because it's really really difficult to argue for authoritarians when you aren't an authority lol.

Some people just like the taste of boot...

ACAB - All Cops Are Bad

OP is still a tool.

Thanks for the context.

That's okay, the tool is a mass blocker by the looks of it, remember just ignore the people who oppose your views, that's healthy right? Lol.