Call to action - renewed protests starting on July 1st to Reddit – 205 points –

The latest from /r/ModCoord.


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Based on what Reddit Inc has done these past three weeks, you can already predict they won't budge, but rather enforce what they want. So, about a week ago I stepped down as moderator from my handful of subs. I'm done with Reddit.

Are you reopening here? Just curious as to how many mods are reopening versus closing up shop.

I recreated the sub that I mod here. But it got almost no traffic before, so I'm not holding my breath for much engagement here. But hey, its about a topic I like, so what the hell.

Yes, I reopened here, and left links in the sidebar and sticky posts on the subs before I stepped down.

The biggest sub tho was for Reaper, a DAW (music making software), and we decided to lock and redirect to the official forums.