Mexico: Migrants sew their lips shut to press demands for transit permits to Not The – 99 points –

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Ah yes, anarchy. The worst form of government quickly devolving into warlords. Are you 12?

No one mentioned anarchy.

And frankly if you’re so unknowledgeable that you think anarchy means a complete lack of rules or order, there’s no point continuing this conversation because you obviously lack even basic understanding of politics.

That's what happens when people stop following the rules. It doesn't matter what rules you think shouldn't be followed. If you stop following some you stop following all.

So you think when people stop following the states laws, that they will instead get together as a community and work out a set of rules for living together as we have done for hundreds of thousands of years?

Because that’s what anarchism is, empowering communities at the people level to make these decisions for themselves.

Lol so you went and confirmed it. You're 12 then?

Like I said you don’t even understand what anarchism is. Sorry you’re taking a point when you’re ignorant on the subject matter?

You talk like it's in any way workable in reality. It would just turn into chaos. Just like communism it doesn't work in real life.

It works every day. People don’t go out and not murder and steal from everyone else just because it’s not legal. Society can function without a top down system.