Mexico: Migrants sew their lips shut to press demands for transit permits to Not The – 99 points –

Economic migrants should go through proper channels to migrate to another country. Note: economic migrants, not refugees. When I wanted to work in NZ, I had to get a job offer, do a medical checkup, take IELTS, apply for the visa and send supporting documents. Don't shit up another country. Also, illegal immigrants almost always pay smuggling syndicates who then use them as indentured slaves to repay the fees. The employers will also pay them much less due to no workers protection. The end result is they barely have any extra income.

It's amazing to me how people really believe illegal economic immigrants to the United States are just like "nah man, fuck the paperwork, trudging my way across a life-threatening desert is so much easier"

I wonder what could possibly create a positive incentive to do something so insane? It couldn't be that getting legal immigration is almost impossible, could it? Surely it's the poor people who are wrong.

Oh wait...

"Because of the numerical caps and per-country caps on certain green-card of November 2018, there were 3.7 million people waiting in line abroad for a family-sponsored green card, and 121,000 awaiting an employment-sponsored green card."

WE'RE the problem. We simply DO NOT PROVIDE a reasonable legal framework for people who want to come to the United States to do so. They're still here, mind you. So clearly those county-based immigration caps are very effective.

If we want to end illegal immigration, then we need to reform the immigration system so more people can do it legally.

"Illegal immigrants" to the U.S. is a consequence of all the shit the U.S. did to Central America in the 1980s. They didn't have to do any of that. They helped toppling stable, democratic governments to put authoritarian clowns that would do whatever they wanted. And when they finished serving their purpose? "Lol get fucked, y'all, bye Felicia!"

Also, "People are coming here without our consent!" Hmmm.... that sounds kind of familiar.

"Illegal immigration" has always been a part of this country (migrants coming up to work farms during growing season) except they used to go home during the off-season until border crossings became more strict and they had to stay for fear of not making it back in later. These people obviously serve a purpose here in the US or they wouldn't be coming but our laws just ignore reality in favor of unworkable solutions that leave these people vulnerable to being exploited.

How about go back.

I hope you don’t live in America. You know, the country literally built by immigrants, who stole the land from the natives, and then also raped and killed a lot of them. That’d be pretty hypocritical and ignorant of you if you were an American.

As stated in another comment, we conquered. All in all it's hard to find a single country out there not built that way. And lots of immigrants is not lots of illegal aliens. If you want to come in you should have to follow the same rules. Otherwise don't complain if you get deported.

Newsflash: it’s illegal to conquer

There's a big difference between nations and individuals.

Yeah, I give individuals leeway when it comes to breaking the “law” because they’re often just trying to survive.

Fuuuuck that. That's how you create individuals with no respect for the law.

Having "law enforcement" rife with literal gangs, selectively enforcing the laws, and writing laws that benefit a few wealthy individuals at the expense of everyone else is how you create people who don't respect your imaginary made up bullshit laws.

The cops don't make the laws, they just enforce the ones written by the people we elect. Don't like it? Get elected and change it.

Overall, cops tend to selectively enforce laws mainly against poor people, and do fuck-all about corruption and psychopathy in their own ranks. They're trained to be trigger-happy schizophrenics with a fetish for authority, and taught that it is ok and desirable to defend that insecure god image at all costs, including others' dignity, rights, and even lives. Basic social norms of respect don't even make it to the conversation.

Saying cops don't make the law is as facetious as saying the supreme court doesn't. They technically don't, but they do get to decide when and how to enforce them, if at all. Very ripe for the corruption we've actually been seeing.


Fuck the “law”, a set of rules designed to keep the power of the elites at the people’s expense.

And who decides the good law and the bad law? The only ones allowed to do that are the courts, not the court of public opinion. Not to mention yours is not a popular opinion.

Yes exactly.

The courts and the laws they create are by a class of people untouchable to us. They are laws to rule us, not for us to live.

The law is not for the people and should not be respected.

Ah yes, anarchy. The worst form of government quickly devolving into warlords. Are you 12?

No one mentioned anarchy.

And frankly if you’re so unknowledgeable that you think anarchy means a complete lack of rules or order, there’s no point continuing this conversation because you obviously lack even basic understanding of politics.

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Like with forests and trees? Or klan members and the whole klan?

I suppose, but the klan never won. History is written by the victors. The rules are made by the victors.

Weak aspects to that point, all-around. It's just a red herring.

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I hope you don't mind the migrants coming in and conquering you then, what's fair is fair, right?

You say that as if conquest isn't vastly worse than demographic migration.

You're literally trying to justify why Americans should get to stay by pointing out that they are even less deserving for having arrived by force instead of by mere migration.

They arent immigrants, then. Theyre micro conquerors.

And hey! They dont rape, murder, and pillage to get their land! So theyre already better than you.

If a conquer your wife, you gonna just get over it? Is that like a free pass then?

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Think about how you'd feel if your own country was in a shit situation economically, and wasnt safe anymore, and then someone told you to go the fuck home.. that street goes both ways, and could be a reality.

Of course. There's no way any of them could bother fighting to make their country better. Better to let them take what made their country bad to a new one.

Easy to say knowing your home is a safe place to be. Also really racist and presumptuous to assume that someone wanting better opportunity and safety is by default dangerous and/or always going to be poor.

And extremely ironic to say that from a country that was founded on the idea of coming here for better opportunities.

Coming legally. Legal immigration.

Dude, there were already people here when we showed up. We killed them and gave them diseases and stole their land. How's that for coming here legally? So arrogant.

Conquered. We conquered them. That's not immigration.

Do you just enjoy being obtuse and trying to argue the exact opposite of what someone else says, regardless of whether you're correct or not?

You think I'm incorrect then? Go ahead and tell me what I'm wrong about.

go meet some immigrants, you'll see why you're wrong.

Ah yes. The individual. A perfect indicator of what the whole is. Just kidding it doesn't work like that.

At what point does a group of immigrants become evil? Is there a number? Or which aspects of non-assimilation cross a line? The food? Language?

or is it hard to define the objective basis of this fear you have?

So the immigrants just need to conquer America?

Yes, and they're trying their best. That's why they need to go back. Honestly the worst immigrants are the ones who refuse to assimilate and form their own insular enclaves. That's how you get no go zones and terrorists.

🤣🤣 they finally said the most ignorant part out loud

You haven't heard about the issue regarding immigrants refusing to integrate? Are you blind?

I appreciate you just admitting to being racist. We all knew you were, obviously, but its kind of you to own up to it so easily like this.

Don't know what the fuck you read, but American isn't a race. It's a mindset. If you can't mesh with that then go away.

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Youve got to just be trolling people at this point. There's no way a real person believes immigrants are trying to conquer the U.S.

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By this logic, you would absolutely respect an immigrant came into your house, beat the fuck out of you, and claimed it was theirs. That's okay to you, right?

An immigrant? I'm talking about nations here dummy.

The same logic applies, only different scale. Plus, in case you've forgotten, nations are made of people. It's people that lose their homes, their loved ones, their lives.

So, back to the question, how would you feel about someone coming into your home, killing you and claiming r to be theirs now?

I suppose you can ask that unironically to the Israelis doimg that to the Palestinians. But really, this is ancient history in America. It was done mostly on behalf of the government, which is different from individual actions. Unless of course you are saying that the "economic migrants" (illegal aliens) are working on behalf of an invading government.

Way to dodge the question, how spineless of you. I'm done with your bad faith nonsense. Goodbye, troll.

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After reading your comments...

What a stupid piece of shit you are.

Just because you have different ideas than I do doesn't mean I'm wrong. We can both have opposing views which have basises in reality. Just depends on how you look at the world.

You can be a self-center, shitty being without any empathy or knowledge, it doesn't make your opinion a valid one.

Unless you’re Native, then that could apply to you too.

Natives were conquered. I'm part of the nation rightfully in power over the US. Sooooo. No it doesn't.

Aaah, you're a troll! Makes sense.

Go back to reddit, brah.

Just because you disagree doesn't make me a troll. You're 8 years closer to reddit than I am so you should go back.

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