Mexico: Migrants sew their lips shut to press demands for transit permits to Not The – 99 points –

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I hope you don’t live in America. You know, the country literally built by immigrants, who stole the land from the natives, and then also raped and killed a lot of them. That’d be pretty hypocritical and ignorant of you if you were an American.

As stated in another comment, we conquered. All in all it's hard to find a single country out there not built that way. And lots of immigrants is not lots of illegal aliens. If you want to come in you should have to follow the same rules. Otherwise don't complain if you get deported.

Newsflash: it’s illegal to conquer

There's a big difference between nations and individuals.

Yeah, I give individuals leeway when it comes to breaking the “law” because they’re often just trying to survive.

Fuuuuck that. That's how you create individuals with no respect for the law.

Having "law enforcement" rife with literal gangs, selectively enforcing the laws, and writing laws that benefit a few wealthy individuals at the expense of everyone else is how you create people who don't respect your imaginary made up bullshit laws.

The cops don't make the laws, they just enforce the ones written by the people we elect. Don't like it? Get elected and change it.

Overall, cops tend to selectively enforce laws mainly against poor people, and do fuck-all about corruption and psychopathy in their own ranks. They're trained to be trigger-happy schizophrenics with a fetish for authority, and taught that it is ok and desirable to defend that insecure god image at all costs, including others' dignity, rights, and even lives. Basic social norms of respect don't even make it to the conversation.

Saying cops don't make the law is as facetious as saying the supreme court doesn't. They technically don't, but they do get to decide when and how to enforce them, if at all. Very ripe for the corruption we've actually been seeing.


Fuck the “law”, a set of rules designed to keep the power of the elites at the people’s expense.

And who decides the good law and the bad law? The only ones allowed to do that are the courts, not the court of public opinion. Not to mention yours is not a popular opinion.

Yes exactly.

The courts and the laws they create are by a class of people untouchable to us. They are laws to rule us, not for us to live.

The law is not for the people and should not be respected.

Ah yes, anarchy. The worst form of government quickly devolving into warlords. Are you 12?

No one mentioned anarchy.

And frankly if you’re so unknowledgeable that you think anarchy means a complete lack of rules or order, there’s no point continuing this conversation because you obviously lack even basic understanding of politics.

That's what happens when people stop following the rules. It doesn't matter what rules you think shouldn't be followed. If you stop following some you stop following all.

So you think when people stop following the states laws, that they will instead get together as a community and work out a set of rules for living together as we have done for hundreds of thousands of years?

Because that’s what anarchism is, empowering communities at the people level to make these decisions for themselves.

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Like with forests and trees? Or klan members and the whole klan?

I suppose, but the klan never won. History is written by the victors. The rules are made by the victors.

Weak aspects to that point, all-around. It's just a red herring.

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I hope you don't mind the migrants coming in and conquering you then, what's fair is fair, right?

You say that as if conquest isn't vastly worse than demographic migration.

You're literally trying to justify why Americans should get to stay by pointing out that they are even less deserving for having arrived by force instead of by mere migration.

They arent immigrants, then. Theyre micro conquerors.

And hey! They dont rape, murder, and pillage to get their land! So theyre already better than you.

If a conquer your wife, you gonna just get over it? Is that like a free pass then?

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