Mexico: Migrants sew their lips shut to press demands for transit permits to Not The – 99 points –

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Conquered. We conquered them. That's not immigration.

Do you just enjoy being obtuse and trying to argue the exact opposite of what someone else says, regardless of whether you're correct or not?

You think I'm incorrect then? Go ahead and tell me what I'm wrong about.

go meet some immigrants, you'll see why you're wrong.

Ah yes. The individual. A perfect indicator of what the whole is. Just kidding it doesn't work like that.

At what point does a group of immigrants become evil? Is there a number? Or which aspects of non-assimilation cross a line? The food? Language?

or is it hard to define the objective basis of this fear you have?

So the immigrants just need to conquer America?

Yes, and they're trying their best. That's why they need to go back. Honestly the worst immigrants are the ones who refuse to assimilate and form their own insular enclaves. That's how you get no go zones and terrorists.

🤣🤣 they finally said the most ignorant part out loud

You haven't heard about the issue regarding immigrants refusing to integrate? Are you blind?

I appreciate you just admitting to being racist. We all knew you were, obviously, but its kind of you to own up to it so easily like this.

Don't know what the fuck you read, but American isn't a race. It's a mindset. If you can't mesh with that then go away.

Thats the stupidest thing Ive read all day, hot damn

Whats the brand of glue you eat dude?

Seriously. What race is American? I'm calling for immigrants to assimilate into American culture. Not to become some different race because I think whatever race is the better one. I think American culture is the better one than theirs because they're running away from theirs.

You think its a mindset. So some japanese teen who, what? Thinks real hard about cowboys and burgers is american? Fucking coke head, what are you talking about?

And which american culture? Our states each have 10 different versions of macro cultures. Our cities dont even have unified cultures, they never have. Do you even live here? We subsivide between east coast, northwest coast, southwest coast, midwest, bible belt, great plains, and on and on and on and so on.

We brag so hard about how multifaceted our patchwork culture is its almost a cliche. Do you go outside? Have you even spoken to americans?

For fucks sake, dude, dont talk about a nation youve clearly never lived in.

And yet an American is an American. We're not all that different, but then you go into some enclave of immigrants who came here only to earn more money or possibly escape crimes they've committed. They want nothing to do with contributing to the US. They take for sure, but they are at their core, in their heart, not American. They're Guatemalan, or Venezuelan, or Mexican. That is the core issue. I was just remembering about how Kamala Harris. The Vice President told people not to come. This is NOT a minority opinion. This isn't just me.

An enclave that doesnt exist except in your racist raisin brain.

You sound like the guys who send bomb threats to chinatown districts for "not assimilating."

I know youre not the only racist, there, bud. Real americans have been weeding you and your kind out for centuries.

Youve got to just be trolling people at this point. There's no way a real person believes immigrants are trying to conquer the U.S.

By this logic, you would absolutely respect an immigrant came into your house, beat the fuck out of you, and claimed it was theirs. That's okay to you, right?

An immigrant? I'm talking about nations here dummy.

The same logic applies, only different scale. Plus, in case you've forgotten, nations are made of people. It's people that lose their homes, their loved ones, their lives.

So, back to the question, how would you feel about someone coming into your home, killing you and claiming r to be theirs now?

I suppose you can ask that unironically to the Israelis doimg that to the Palestinians. But really, this is ancient history in America. It was done mostly on behalf of the government, which is different from individual actions. Unless of course you are saying that the "economic migrants" (illegal aliens) are working on behalf of an invading government.

Way to dodge the question, how spineless of you. I'm done with your bad faith nonsense. Goodbye, troll.