Sanders says he doesn’t know that a ceasefire is possible ‘with an organization like Hamas’ to politics – 335 points –
Sanders says he doesn’t know that a ceasefire is possible ‘with an organization like Hamas’ | CNN Politics

Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders said Sunday he doesn’t know that a ceasefire is possible in the Israel-Hamas war with “an organization like Hamas” involved.

“I don’t know how you can have a ceasefire, (a) permanent ceasefire, with an organization like Hamas, which is dedicated to turmoil and chaos and destroying the state of Israel,” Sanders told CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union” Sunday.


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Last time ignoring Hamas ended up costing 1033 dead civilians and more than 3000 wounded. And anyone that thinks that Hamas wouldn't do worse war crimes in retaliation if the situations were inverted is deluding themselves.

Peace is not possible while Hamas has any power (the same being true for lots of Israeli organizations but this escalation is entirely on Hamas).

1033 dead civilians and more than 3000 wounded

Only counting one side i see...

Seriously. Like, Israel's retaliation was warranted against Hamas. But the innocent Palestinians caught in the crossfire, especially the children, is unjustified in every way.

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Ignoring Hamas? You mean actively committing genocide and bombing infrastructure in Gaza made a freedom fighting army stronger? Yo that's crazy. You should tell people about the Jews that tried to resist Hitler. Must have been very violent terrorists according to your logic.

Who is proposing ignoring Hamas? It's a ceasefire - not a new concept, and certainly not one that depends on ignoring the counterparty to that ceasefire.

Israel has been the primary aggressor here for decades, and unless I'm mistaken, has propped up Hamas over the more secular, reasonable PLO tp establish this pretext for the genocide they're now attempting to carry out.

Hamas are murderous jihadis, but they're a product of Israel's hostility and decisions to prop them up. Hamas are armed with small arms and a paraglider, Israel has a nuclear arsenal and F-35s. Depending on the count you use, over the past few decades, Palestinian casualties have outnumbered Israeli casualties between dozens to one and 500:1. The UN has called Israel's management of Palestine an open air concentration camp, and we've seen Israel's response to the Hamas attack has already carelessly killed many more times more people - particularly children than Hamas did - they've shut off food, water, and supplies, they've shut down movement, they've pushed them out of their homes, they've bombed hospitals and refugee camps.

Who is the overwhelming military force that's killing all the innocent civilians here? But yeah - Hamas are escalating this.

You want to defend Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the Nazis, Chinese expansionism, and the US war on terror while you're at it with the monstrous shit takes, my dude?

what am I going to put in my pitas now?

I suppose it depends on whether or not you're a member of the IDF leadership - there's plenty of kids (mostly Palestinian) that have been reduced to a paste.

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