‘Nobody’s hands are clean’: Obama urges reflection amid Israel-Hamas conflict

Salamendacious@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 681 points –
‘Nobody’s hands are clean’: Obama urges reflection amid Israel-Hamas conflict

Former President Barack Obama cautioned against ignoring the complexities of the Israel-Hamas war, warning that “all of us are complicit.”

“If you want to solve the problem, then you have to take in the whole truth. And you then have to admit nobody’s hands are clean, that all of us are complicit to some degree,” he said in an excerpted interview with Pod Save America released Saturday.


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An apple is still an apple regardless of whether you call it an apple.

If this sentence doesn't make sense to you, there's no need to proceed because you're just actively refusing logic.

And again, I don't support what the Israeli government is doing, that's more strawman out of you.

An apple is still an apple regardless of whether you call it an apple.

A white supremacist settler-colonialist state is still a white supremacist settler-colonialist state regardless of how much white supremacist propaganda you peddle in a vain attempt to prove otherwise.

no need to proceed

Nobody is stopping you from scampering away from this, right-winger.

You're the right-winger. This is well established. You scoff at the face of objective truth, throw up strawman arguments that no one made and make a bunch of wildly racist comments then play "no u". You keep white washing an entire people, calling them colonizers, but that's our ancestral home, regardless of the atrocities that the government is currently doing. It's not the Palestinians ancestral home, but they've been there for such a long time that the correct action is a two state solution. Neither side wants that though. But all you want is to throw antisemitism around.

You've played every racist possible angle there is and then have the audacity to claim it's not racist, everyone else is. And you keep calling my liberal ass right-wing, because you proud boys love your LARPing.

Keep your tiki torches out of here.

Again... a white supremacist settler-colonialist state is still a white supremacist settler-colonialist state regardless of how much white supremacist propaganda you peddle in a vain attempt to prove otherwise.

Do you have any other "Big Lies" you wanna try hiding behind? Your current ones seem a bit... threadbare.

That's fascinating, but I've already disproven that claim. So you can keep saying it all you want but it doesn't make it true.

I'm not hiding behind any lies, stop trying to play the uno reverse card and come up with a legitimate true statement.

That’s fascinating, but I’ve already disproven that claim.

Demonstrating your abject ignorance on the subject matter does not equate to you "disproving" anything, Clyde.

come up with a legitimate true statement.

Your wish is my command. Here goes...

A white supremacist settler-colonialist state is still a white supremacist settler-colonialist state regardless of how much white supremacist propaganda you peddle in a vain attempt to prove otherwise.

No I said "legitimate true statement."

Not racist lies that you've tried to spread from the beginning.

You can't be a colonizer of your own land, and stop with your racist white washing of an entire people.

Like if native Americans were supported by the US government to take back land you'd be over here calling them white supremacist colonizers. Because that's the same fucking thing.

Both groups are people of color, both groups were forced out of their native lands, it's not like either group just said "oh yeah, totally come massacre us and take our land"

No, they were colonized, forcibly removed. To take your property back does not magically turn you white or into a colonizer. Holy fuck you're dense.

You can’t be a colonizer of your own land,

True... European Jewish people can't be colonizers in Europe.

Because that’s the same fucking thing.

No, no, no... if you wish to compare a white supremacist settler-colonialist state to something, you need to compare it with another white supremacist settler-colonialist state - you know, such as the US, for instance.

both groups were forced out of their native lands,

Yes, European Jewish people were forced out of their native lands - by Europeans.

No I said “legitimate true statement.”

Oh, oh... right. Let me check... here's one!

A white supremacist settler-colonialist state is still a white supremacist settler-colonialist state regardless of how much white supremacist propaganda you peddle in a vain attempt to prove otherwise.

So, you're back to ignoring history. Gotcha, right. So you know where they came from before they were forced to live in Europe right? ... Like, you understand they didn't start there right? Their native land, European Jews, African Jews all Jews, have a native land in Israel. You can test our fucking blood. That's where we came from before we were forced out.

So it's exactly the fucking same. Soooo, try again maybe, but this time try to make a factual statement. Because, I can back my claim with science.

Because, I can back my claim with science. You can test our fucking blood. Blah, blah, blah...


"Scientific racism" is not a science, Clyde - did you forget that "Jewish" is not a "race?"

European Jewish people are native to Europe. African Jewish people are native to Africa. To suggest they aren't is about as antisemitic as antisemitism gets.

So... again - what does it feel like to play kapo for the very people who invented antisemitism? You know... the very same people whose "race science" you have so obviously bought into?

You're a fucking disgrace of a human being.

How do you manage to shit on finding the lost tribes of Israel? We can prove that the lemba tribe in Africa came from Israel, they were kicked out by the ancestors of the Palestinians, we can prove the European Jews came from Israel, they were kicked out of Israel by the Romans.

We found our fucking family, after all the colonizers and genocides and you're trying to shit on that. You're objectively an asshole and can fuck yourself.

This is scientifically proven that we are a family. And you're trying to take that from us, you're not the first that has tried, but fuck yourself.

You’re a fucking disgrace of a human being.

Again... don't project your right-wing self-hatred onto me, right-winger. You are the one apologizing for a white supremacist settler-colonialist state - not me.

We can prove

You can't prove squat.

We found our fucking family,

Again... “scientific racism” is not a science, Clyde - did you forget that “Jewish” is not a “race?”

And you’re trying to take that from us


How can I be "taking away" that which your precious little white supremacist settler-colonialist state is actively throwing away?

Oh, bother... a white supremacist settler-colonialist state acting like... drumroll, please... a white supremacist settler-colonialist state.

Absolutely nobody could have foreseen this, eh Clyde?

Again... don't project your right-wing self-hatred onto me, right-winger. You are the one apologizing for a white supremacist settler-colonialist state - not me.

I'm not the right wing asshole, you are.

I'm not apologizing for a white supremacist colonialist state, BECAUSE THAT DOESN'T EXIST YOU FUCKING RAGING RACIST ANTI SEMITIC PIECE OF SHIT ASSHOLE.

there, did I say it loud enough for you? You're the racist here.

Again... “scientific racism” is not a science, Clyde - did you forget that “Jewish” is not a “race?”

You're fucking dumb. "Race" is a social concept, "DNA proven relationship" is a science backed fact. So you shit posting racist ass bullshit is irrelevant.

Stop being an anti semitic piece of shit, that's all anyone can ask.

Put out your tiki torch proud boy, your time is done.

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