China blames Canada for ‘malicious, provocative’ moves after close midair intercepts over South China Sea to World – 220 points –
China blames Canada for ‘malicious, provocative’ moves after close midair intercepts over South China Sea | CNN

China has accused Canada of carrying out “malicious and provocative” actions in the South China Sea, after the Canadian Navy said Chinese fighter jets endangered a helicopter in two close intercepts above international waters.

The comments come after CNN revealed last week that a Chinese warplane fired flares in front of a Canadian military helicopter on October 29, an operation that Canadian military officers said was reckless and could have resulted in the downing of the aircraft.

The incident was the second of two “unsafe” encounters the Canadian chopper had on that day with Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy J-11 fighters, which got as close as 100 feet (30 meters) from the helicopter, Maj. Rob Millen, air officer aboard the Royal Canadian Navy frigate HMCS Ottawa, told CNN in an interview on the warship.


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Classic America-centric tomfoolery.

I’m Australian, mate. If anyone were able to tell you something shifty’s going on with China, it would be us. We’re kinda the English-speaking experts on the topic.

Australia is not immune. Just because you work at a gas station next to the library, it doesn’t make you a librarian.

You’re trying real hard to move this away from China, mate. They paying you or are you just going against the grain because it’s the ‘rock-n-roll’ thing to do? Or is it because you wanna try to keep people from pissing them off?

Just saying, it’s a weird thing to do when their pilots are clearly the ones who went aggro in the first place.

My problem is with American and Western media beating the drums for war with China. Article after article complaining about China. I don’t want a war with China. And I refuse to be convinced that it’s a good idea.

Nah, yeah, you’re right - war with China would be a very bad thing for everyone involved, but there need to be consequences for being an absolute dick to everyone, and China has a long history of provocation and other assorted dickery, even discounting this incident.

My problem is with American and Western media beating the drums for war with China.

Then you're a fool, because that will never happen and no serious person thinks it will. You're afraid of nothing.

The article says otherwise. Mentions of China in the media are increasing, and most are negative. That sways public perception, and lays the groundwork for conflict. America didn’t just invade Iraq spontaneously. There were months of negative media coverage of Iraq before the invasion to culture public sentiment. This is similar.

There are billions of dollars of trade per day between the US and China. Neither party will compromise that . You're a fool, falling for a sideshow meant to keep you entertained.

Then why so many news articles so negative about China? Why antagonize a major trade partner?

As an American I'm amused you think we are afraid of China. I wish we got along better with them but the idea that were at home hiding under our beds worried about China's military is silly. We've both got enough nukes to end each other and China lacks the ability to project its conventional military power much farther than its bogus, ever shifting, and illegal borders.

If China doesn't want the smoke then it needs to quit behaving like a belligerent dingus in the South China Sea.

It would be one thing if they were just antagonizing the West. But they're driving out fishermen from neighboring countries as well. When many countries are in debt to you, and you're openly hostile to all of them, that debt goes from an asset to a liability. Especially when you're begging for international incidents.

I do not think fear comes into the argument, if it does, it would be the Chinese, US has China surrounded with bases. China does not have a single base any where near US.

I do not think fear comes into the argument...

That's the headline of the article that I responded too.

...US has China surrounded with bases.

Maps of US bases are freely available online.

You and I have very different definitions of "Surrounded".

China does not have a single base any where near US.

Not quite yet, but they're working on it.

Maps of US bases are freely available online.

Great map, however it doesn't show any of the areas near China whereas the article clearly indicates that US has base on Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and Thailand.

And? That's the business of each individual country. China isn't surrounded by US bases, it's surrounded by countries who want/agreed to host US bases. And much like Putin "being surrounded" by NATO, China only has itself to blame, for two big reasons:

  1. The South Korean presence, and to a degree Japanese, is because of the batshit insane North Korean government, which constantly makes threats of violence and destruction. And, which is bankrolled by China.

  2. China claimed international waters and drove out fishermen and vessels from neighboring countries. So who did they turn to?

If China respected international law and sovereignty, and stopped propping up NK, then they'd have a valid point.

Great map, however it doesn’t show any of the areas near China

The map clearly shows the countries that have US bases in them such as Japan and Guam.

whereas the article clearly indicates that US has base

What article?

...Vietnam, and Thailand.

There are no US Military Bases in Vietnam or Thailand.

behaving like a belligerent dingus in the South China Sea.

Why is Canada even flying there? Oh, right

The map at that link is laughable. Even Base Nation, the site that map is supposedly from, doesn't have that ridiculous shit on it

Here, let me help you.

Help yourself to another one. Like the U.S. doesn’t have bases in the South China Sea.

Like the U.S. doesn’t have bases in the South China Sea.

I never said that they didn't. What I did say is that China is in no way "surrounded" and that the other map is pure hokum.

Are there more Chinese bases near America, or more American bases near China? This might help.