Mozilla will move Firefox development from Mercurial to Microsoft’s GitHub to – 163 points –

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Imho the main argument for github is that it lowers the hurdle for new ane ad-hoc contributions like issues. I'm problably too lazy to registsr a new account for your instance just to open a bug report.

I'd love a federated git/issue/wiki thing

It wouldn't make it more difficult than with mercurial, which isn't supported by github either.

GitHub will just serve as code mirror. Patches and bugs will still go through Mozilla's usually channels.

In my opinion that sounds like a plus. People that are too lazy to register an account to put in a code merge request or report a bug aren't going to be writing quality code or quality bug reports.

Yes but knowing of a bug is better than not knowing of a bug

Working in a busy codebase for a long time when I have to spend time a non-trivial amount of time triaging through tickets I can't reproduce that is taking time away from legitimate bug and request tickets I can be working on. It can seriously lead to burnout.

You don't have to fix every issue, there are also other volunteers who might look at it.

If the reproducible instructions aren't clear enough or are missing, just ask for more info. If they can't deliver on that, close it or just move on and other people might take care of it

Speak for yourself, I've been prepared to submit detailed bug reports before the process in place to do so turned me off.