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Looking at the replies it seems anarchism is about having strong yet diverging opinions on the definition of anarchism

Ooh, just like libertarianism!

(Don’t tell the anarchists I made that comparison)

Libertarianism original referd to anarchism actually. The modern usage of ultra-capitalist nonsense comes from people intentionally redefining the word cause they were mad that Liberalism no longer referd to what they were doing

They're doing the same thing now with Anarchism, hence Anarcho-Capitalism.

Libertarian still means anarchist pretty much everywhere, the US is the only place I know where it doesn't. Ancaps don't really exist outside of the US too at least not in any numbers to be relevant.

To be fair, AnCaps are irrelevant in the US as well, the GOP and DNC swallow the vast majority of mainstream politics. Everything else meaningful is grassroots.

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As a libertarian socialist whos about three steps away from anarchism. They probably are giggling at you.

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That's just the general leftist experience. From Marxist-Leninists to Orthodox Marxists to Anarcho-Communists to Anarcho-Syndicalists to Democratic Socialists to Left Communists (ICP flavor) to Left Communists (Dutch/German flavor) to Libertarian Socialists to Market Socialists to Marxist-Leninist-Maoists to Dengists to Council Communists to everything in between, each seemingly hates the guts of the others.

Ask any one from each of these and they will all have a general "worker ownership of the Means of Production is good" base, with about a million different takes on what that actually means and what that actually looks like.

In general, I think it's safe to say that democracy is a good thing, decentralization helps protect against Authoritarianism, and moving towards a Stateless, Classless, Moneyless society is a good thing. Until then, people should learn and improve their understanding as much as possible, teach others, organize local communities and unions, and work on self-improvement.

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