Hillary Clinton warns against Trump 2024 win: ‘Hitler was duly elected’

CantaloupeLifestyle@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 736 points –
Hillary Clinton warns against Trump 2024 win: ‘Hitler was duly elected’

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They’re gonna fuck it up.

Honestly, I truly believe that both Democratic and Republican politicians benefit from all the bullshittery going on - so of course they’ll actually do nothing to improve the situation for America’s citizens. As long as they get money and they get paid, they’ll say and do whatever the fuck they can, including fucking things up for us.

Probably not much better across the pond, but I am finding myself more and more looking up how to become a UK citizen because at least they have less zany shit going on from what I can tell.

both Democratic and Republican politicians benefit from all the bullshittery going on

They absolutely don't. They just have a very short term view because of reelection cycles and fundraising needs. You'd think their capitalist masters would also realize this increasing polarization and dissatisfaction with the status quo is going to make the line go down, but nobody ever accused economic liberals of actually being aware when the noose was tightening on their necks.

You had me in the first half until you brought up the UK. The UK? Seriously?!

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