What is a product that you won’t accept a generic alternative for?

jeffw@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 198 points –

For example, if you insist on buying Advil instead of store brand ibuprofen. I mean, you’d be wasting your money in that example, but you do you


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Pretty much every signature soda drink. Pepsi, Coke, Mountain Dew... none of the knock-offs taste right and some are just nasty. Oddly, root beer seems to be the one flavor everyone can do well, maybe because it's a more common flavor with no patents on the general idea? I dunno but I don't think I've ever had a 'bad' root beer.

Verners ginger ale puts the rest to shame

Completely agree, but I wouldn’t call Vernors a generic. It’s a competing brand.

I actually prefer the heat of ginger beer, but since nobody makes an affordable version, I'll often settle for ginger ale. Between Verners and CD, I generally prefer Canada Dry. Verners has always seemed a bit too syrupy for my taste.

I've never had ginger beer. How is it different from ginger ale?

It's basically a far more complex flavor, often with a little less sweetness. The biggest difference is that it's made with real ginger, so it has noticeable heat that varies by brand. It's also lightly fermented, not enough to make it alcoholic, but enough to deepen the flavor and allow for natural carbonation. Depending on the maker, it can be more or less filtered, so sometimes there's a little sediment or a cloudy appearance.

I actually prefer Royal Crown over Coke and Pepsi. It's not a generic, but it's not top-shelf either. It works out well with the sales at the Supermarket, too. Often they'll do a 12-pack mix-and-match with RC, Canada Dry, Squirt, etc. all very tasty sodas.

I buy Royal Crown and mix it with Crown Royal.

The perfect marraige of the king of middle shelf soda and the queen of middle shelf whisky.

Man, RC Cola is a Southern delicacy! Pair it with a Moon Pie, and you've got the breakfast of champions!

Germany has some great tasting cola brands that are nothing like Pepsi or Coke (and aren't trying to be either).

While I agree with this, the one except I've found is Sprite. Different genetics have different tastes but I've found I like my Kroger generic Sprite more than the name brand.

I actually prefer generics. But because I'm a fat ass, I haven't been keeping soda at the house.