Americans don't want to fight for their country anymore

Lee to – 258 points –
Americans don't want to fight for their country anymore

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I mean... defeating the Nazis?

After Germany declared war on them? They didn't defeat them out of good will, in fact, I'd say America and South Africa were the closest things to Nazi Germany outside of the Reich

Really? Closer than Russia which actually did invade its neighbors? Go back to lemmygrad.

Should I remind you of the land the USA originally had and what they did to the people who lived in the lands they conquered?

You can if you want to pretend that Russia didn’t do the same thing and that it somehow makes the comparison better for you!

Is it good to beat the shit out of the school bully after he picks a fight with you so he learns to stop picking fights with people? I would say so.

Not if you're quite similar to that bully

There's a difference between being a good country and being a global force for good. In helping to defeat the Nazis, the U.S. was a global force for good regardless of what else they did, had done or will do. The same with Stalinist Russia.

Not really

Bad countries can't do good things?

If they did they'd be good countries

So it was bad to defeat the Nazis and the Confederates?

Vultures can kill each other

Vultures are good. They eat carrion that would otherwise rot. They also generally don't kill each other. So I'm not sure that your analogy works.

It does because they're despicable birds that prey on the weak

They don't prey on anything. They eat carrion. Do you even know what a vulture is?

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stopped clocked fallacy.

the united states is in so many wars, they were bound to achieve one somewhat correctly.

Ok...? Does that dispute the point? Original comment said they were "never" a force for good

Global force for better

Good would’ve involved them allowing Spanish civil war vets to fight

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