TX school bans trans boy from playing "Oklahoma!" male lead, recasts with cisgender male student

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 700 points –
TX school bans trans boy from playing "Oklahoma!" male lead, recasts with cisgender male student

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Because Max identifies as a transgender male, he could no longer be cast as the male lead.

I feel like the easy solution is to identify as a cis male...

It is concerning (but unsurprising) how obsessed conservatives are with childrens genitals.

You must cover your genitals at all times! But your coverings must clearly indicate which genitals you have! No one may see your genitals, but everyone needs to be clearly informed of your genitals at all times.

Also the gential signaling coves change over time, but wearing the wrong coverings in the wrong time period is unnatural and makes God mad!

You can't choose to identify as the cis version of your opposite sex.

That's literally why we have the term cis, to differentiate from those who keep their assigned gender from those who do not.

Maybe I don't know what a transgendered male is, but I thought it was someone who was born female then transitioned to male.

That would mean that identifying as a cis male does not make sense because cis is for people who keep their assigned gender at birth.

... holy crap they were being sarcastic...

I appreciate y'all on Lemmy. I almost went along with the Reddit programming of ruining jokes with /s but decided to test it.

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