Nashville college freshman Jillian Ludwig dies after being hit by a stray bullet at a local park to – 489 points –
Belmont University student Jillian Ludwig dies after being hit by a stray bullet at a local park

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My point is that engaged parents work. Homeschooling aside. Your seem fixated on that, but it wasn’t the main topic. You are diverting the conversation with a false dichotomy.

If that was your point, then maybe you should realize that there are lots of engaged parents in "ghetto" areas and lots of disengaged parents that aren't in "ghetto" areas. And my point was we all know what you meant when you use the term "ghetto."

That a large portion of black people create communities around victimhood instead of around prizing family and education.

And there it is.

Before you discard my opinions, as gen-Z likes to do, I’d recommend reading Black Rednecks and White Liberals.

No thanks, I don't think I'll read a Thomas Sowell book just so you can justify your bigotry by saying "see? A black guy wrote it." I'm sure you defend Clarence Thomas the same way.

Seems that you only like reading things that reaffirm your narrow world-view. I’m a liberal in many respects including a woman’s right to choose up to the time of birth. It is not an offense to read from different voices that might give clout to a viewpoint that you don’t necessarily support, just to see what evidence can be provided. Especially when the individual is so well accomplished and his sources are solid and well referenced. It’s not like I’m saying to read Robert Kennedy’s book, which has been thoroughly disproven.

"I'm a liberal in many respects, except when it comes to black people." Got it.

Why should black poor people get more special treatment than poor people of other cultures?

I don't remember anyone saying that.

Well. You called me liberal except with black people, so I assume you are implying that I am against giving black people special treatment in socialized systems as if they have some form of disability that requires a different approach than normal poor people in order to be provide them “equitable” treatment.

Nope. I'm implying that you think black people are stupider than white people. Because that's what you were arguing.

Not by genetics, but by liberals attempting to give them back their culture and having them decide that it was the culture of the lazy, uneducated, southern white. That is what Sowell concluded with references from scholarly sources.

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